I have about 290 files that I need to optimize in a short period of time.
当我做 optipng * .png
When I do optipng *.png
it takes about 10 minutes to complete the transaction.
但是,当我做 optipng a * .png $ c $
However when I do optipng a*.png
and optipng m*.png
in two separate command line it gets the work done in 5 minutes.
I have written a batch file that executes only a maximum number of commands a while ago: Parallel execution of shell processes:
@echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,20) do call :loop %%i
goto :eof
call :checkinstances
rem just a dummy program that waits instead of doing useful stuff
rem but suffices for now
echo Starting processing instance for %1
start /min wait.exe 5 sec
goto :eof
rem wait a second, can be adjusted with -w (-n 2 because the first ping returns immediately;
rem otherwise just use an address that's unused and -n 1)
echo Waiting for instances to close ...
ping -n 2 ::1 >nul 2>&1
rem jump back to see whether we can spawn a new process now
goto loop
goto :eof
rem this could probably be done better. But INSTANCES should contain the number of running instances afterwards.
for /f "usebackq" %%t in (`tasklist /fo csv /fi "imagename eq wait.exe"^|wc -l`) do set INSTANCES=%%t
goto :eof
It spawns a maximum of four new processes that execute in parallel and minimized. Wait time needs to be adjusted probably, depending on how much each process does and how long it is running. You probably also need to adjust the process name for which tasklist is looking if you're doing something else.
There is no way to properly count the processes that are spawned by this batch, though. One way would be to create a random number at the start of the batch (%RANDOM%
) and create a helper batch that does the processing (or spawns the processing program) but which can set its window title to a parameter:
@echo off
title %1
"%2" "%3"
这是一个简单的批处理,然后运行第二个参数,第三个作为参数。然后,您可以通过仅选择具有指定窗口标题( tasklist / fiwindowtitle eq ...
)的进程来过滤任务列表。这应该工作相当可靠,并防止太多的假阳性。搜索 cmd.exe
This would be a simple batch that sets its title to the first parameter and then runs the second parameter with the third as argument. You can then filter in tasklist by selecting only processes with the specified window title (tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq ..."
). This should work fairly reliable and prevents too many false positives. Searching for cmd.exe
would be a bad idea if you still have some instances running, as that limits your pool of worker processes.
to create a sensible default of how many instances to spawn.
你也可以很容易地适应这使用 psexec
You can also easily adapt this to use psexec
to spawn the processes remotely (but wouldn't be very viable as you have to have admin privileges on the other machine as well as provide the password in the batch). You would have to use process names for filtering then, though.