I would like to store NumPy arrays with annotations (like name) via SQLAlchemy within a relational database. To do so,
- 我通过数据传输对象(DTONumpy作为MyNumpy的一部分)将NumPy数组与其数据分开.
- NumPy对象是使用Container收集的.
- I separate the NumPy array from its data via a data transfer object (DTONumpy as part of MyNumpy).
- NumPy objects are collected with Container.
What would be a nice and pythonic way to modify Container (from the example below) in a way that it provides as a list directly MyNumpy objects instead of DTONumpy which is provided by SQLAlchemy?
import numpy as np import zlib import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, scoped_session, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, CHAR DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) Base = declarative_base() #### New SQLAlchemy-Type ##################### class NumpyType (sa.types.TypeDecorator): impl = sa.types.LargeBinary def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return zlib.compress(value.dumps(), 9) def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return np.loads(zlib.decompress(value)) ############################################## class DTONumpy(Base): __tablename__ = 'dtos_numpy' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) amount = sa.Column('amount', NumpyType) name = sa.Column('name', sa.String, default='') container_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey('containers.id')) container_object = relationship( "Container", uselist=False, backref='dto_numpy_objects' ) def __init__(self, amount, name=None): self.amount = np.array(amount) self.name = name class Container(Base): __tablename__ = 'containers' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) name = sa.Column(sa.String, unique=True) # HERE: how to access DTONumpy BUT as MyNumpy objects in a way that MyNumpy # is smoothly integrated into SQLAlchemy? class MyNumpy(np.ndarray): _DTO = DTONumpy def __new__(cls, amount, name=''): dto = cls._DTO(amount=amount, name=name) return cls.newByDTO(dto) @classmethod def newByDTO(cls, dto): obj = np.array(dto.amount).view(cls) obj.setflags(write=False) # Immutable obj._dto = dto return obj @property def name(self): return self._dto.name if __name__ == '__main__': engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True) DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = DBSession() mn1 = MyNumpy ([1,2,3], "good data") mn2 = MyNumpy ([2,3,4], "bad data") # Save MyNumpy objects c1 = Container() c1.name = "Test-Container" c1.dto_numpy_objects += [mn1._dto, mn2._dto] # not a good ui session.add(c1) session.commit() # Load MyNumpy objects c2 = session.query(Container).filter_by(name="Test-Container").first() # Ugly UI: mn3 = MyNumpy.newByDTO(c2.dto_numpy_objects[0]) mn4 = MyNumpy.newByDTO(c2.dto_numpy_objects[1]) name3 = mn3._dto.name name4 = mn4._dto.name
Container should now provide a list of MyNumpy objects and MyNumpy a reference to the according Container object (the list and the reference would have to take the SQLAlchemy mapping into account):
type (c2.my_numpy_objects[0]) == MyNumpy >>> True c2.my_numpy_objects.append(MyNumpy ([7,2,5,6], "new data") print c2.dto_numpy_objects[-1].name >>> "new data"
Using the ListView-answer from that question, I came up with the following solution:
First, modify Container by adding a ListView-property on top of the SQLAlchemy-property dto_numpy_objects:
def __init__(self, name): self.name = name """ At this point, the following code doesn't work: --------------------- self.my_numpies = ListView( self.dto_numpy_objects, # see `DTO_Numpy.container_object` MyNumpy.newByDTO, MyNumpy.getDTO) --------------------- SQLAlchemy seems to change the `dto_numypy_object`-object after the init-call. Thus, `my_numpies._data` doesn't reference `dto_numpy_objects` anymore. One solution is to implement a property that initalizes `ListView` on first access. See below, property `Container.my_numpies`. """ @property def my_numpies(self): if not hasattr(self, '_my_numpies'): # The following part can not be exe self._my_numpies = ListView( self.dto_numpy_objects, # see `DTO_Numpy.container_object` MyNumpy.newByDTO, MyNumpy.getDTO) return self._my_numpies
第二,添加方法getDTO可用作new2raw-转换器 MyNumpy:
Second, add method getDTO which can be used as new2raw-converter MyNumpy:
def getDTO(self): return self._dto
为了同时使用中的 backref container_object,请添加以下方法将其实现为包装器:
In order to use the backref container_object also from MyNumpy implement it as a wrapper by adding the following method:
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._dto, attr)
All together, the code looks like this:
import numpy as np import zlib import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, scoped_session, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, CHAR DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) Base = declarative_base() class ListView(list): def __init__(self, raw_list, raw2new, new2raw): self._data = raw_list self.converters = {'raw2new': raw2new, 'new2raw': new2raw} def __repr__(self): repr_list = [self.converters['raw2new'](item) for item in self._data] repr_str = "[" for element in repr_list: repr_str += element.__repr__() + ",\n " repr_str = repr_str[:-3] + "]" return repr_str def append(self, item): self._data.append(self.converters['new2raw'](item)) def pop(self, index): self._data.pop(index) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.converters['raw2new'](self._data[index]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._data.__setitem__(key, self.converters['new2raw'](value)) def __delitem__(self, key): return self._data.__delitem__(key) def __getslice__(self, i, j): return ListView(self._data.__getslice__(i,j), **self.converters) def __contains__(self, item): return self._data.__contains__(self.converters['new2raw'](item)) def __add__(self, other_list_view): assert self.converters == other_list_view.converters return ListView( self._data + other_list_view._data, **self.converters) def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __iter__(self): return iter([self.converters['raw2new'](item) for item in self._data]) def __eq__(self, other): return self._data == other._data #### New SQLAlchemy-Type ##################### class NumpyType (sa.types.TypeDecorator): impl = sa.types.LargeBinary def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): return zlib.compress(value.dumps(), 9) def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return np.loads(zlib.decompress(value)) ############################################## class DTONumpy(Base): __tablename__ = 'dtos_numpy' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) amount = sa.Column('amount', NumpyType) name = sa.Column('name', sa.String, default='') container_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey('containers.id')) container_object = relationship( "Container", uselist=False, backref='dto_numpy_objects' ) def __init__(self, amount, name=None): self.amount = np.array(amount) self.name = name def reprInitParams(self): return "(%r, %r)" %(self.amount, self.name) def __repr__(self): return "%s%s" %( self.__class__.__name__, self.reprInitParams()) class Container(Base): __tablename__ = 'containers' id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) name = sa.Column(sa.String, unique=True) def __init__(self, name): self.name = name super(Container, self).__init__() @property def my_numpies(self): if not hasattr(self, '_my_numpies'): # The following part can not be exe self._my_numpies = ListView( self.dto_numpy_objects, # see `DTO_Numpy.container_object` MyNumpy.newByDTO, MyNumpy.getDTO) return self._my_numpies class MyNumpy(np.ndarray): _DTO = DTONumpy def __new__(cls, amount, name=''): dto = cls._DTO(amount=amount, name=name) return cls.newByDTO(dto) @classmethod def newByDTO(cls, dto): obj = np.array(dto.amount).view(cls) obj.setflags(write=False) # Immutable obj._dto = dto return obj @property def name(self): return self._dto.name def getDTO(self): return self._dto def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._dto, attr) def __repr__(self): return "%s%s" %( self.__class__.__name__, self._dto.reprInitParams()) if __name__ == '__main__': engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True) DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = DBSession() mn1 = MyNumpy ([1,2,3], "good data") mn2 = MyNumpy ([2,3,4], "bad data") # Save MyNumpy-Objects c1 = Container("Test-Container") c1.my_numpies.append(mn1) c1.my_numpies.append(mn2) session.add(c1) session.commit() # Load MyNumpy-Objects c2 = session.query(Container).filter_by(name="Test-Container").first() mn3 = c1.my_numpies[0] mn4 = c1.my_numpies[1]
For better representation I added
- DTONumpy.reprInitParams
- DTONumpy.__repr__
- MyNumpy.__repr__
- DTONumpy.reprInitParams
- DTONumpy.__repr__
- MyNumpy.__repr__
c1.my_numpies += [mn1, mn2.dto]