本文介绍了数据库查找和Value Extractor functoid不返回值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要使用ESB工具包将excel格式的输入文件转换为EDI X12标准输出。此外,我必须将一些常量值传递给目标元素,这些值存储在新的 数据库(查找)下的表格中,位于

我正在使用数据库查找和Value Extractor functoid,参数设置如下。

输入1 - 里程碑(源模式)值

输入2 - Connectionstring(Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security = SSPI ; Persist Security Info = False; Initial Catalog = BizTalkDataConfiguration; Data Source = DBServer;)

输入3 - TableName

输入4 - 键(列使用输入1)过滤器必须进行过滤的名称

此functoid的输出连接到Value Extractor functoid,其值低于输入值。

输入1 - 数据库查找functoid

输入2 - 将连接到目标模式节点的列名。






I have a requirement of transforming input file in excel format to EDI X12 standard output using ESB toolkit. Also I have to pass some constant values to destination elements, those values are stored in a table under new database (lookup) on local.

I am using Database lookup and Value Extractor functoids with the parameter settings as below.

Input 1 - Milestone (Source Schema) value

Input 2 - Connectionstring (Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BizTalkDataConfiguration;Data Source=DBServer;)

Input 3 - TableName

Input 4 - Key (Column Name to which filter has to happen with Input 1)

And the output of this functoid is connected to Value Extractor functoid which has below input values.

Input 1 - Database lookup functoid

Input 2 - Column Name which would be connected to the destination schema node.

But it does not return the desired output. Please help me to fix this issue and let me know what will be reason for this error, when I tried hardcoding the same in scripting functoid it is working fine.

Thanks in Advance,



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10-11 08:57