


I'm stuck with this problem for so long that I think that I'm missing something obvious. Here's simplified model of my case:

有 c>患者,具有他/她所有的药物。还有 Medicine ,所有患者都服用它。

There is Patient that has all meds that he/she takes. And there is Medicine that has all patients who takes it.

// Patient model
Yo.Patient = DS.Model.extend({
    firstName: DS.attr('string'),
    lastName: DS.attr('string'),
    meds: DS.hasMany('medicine')
// Medicine model
Yo.Medicine = DS.Model.extend({
    title: DS.attr('string'),
    patients: DS.hasMany('patient')


Also there already was similar question on StackOverflow. But solution is not very usable. And answer is 1.5 years old which is eternity in Ember world.

由Josh发表评论 RecordArray ,因为我现在看不到在我的情况下使用。或者也许可以,但我不知道如何。我有一个创建新病人的表格。有药物清单列表。所以我只需要检查一下 newPatient.meds 。

EditProposed in comments by Josh RecordArray as I see now cant't be used in my case. Or maybe it can, but I don't know how. I have a form for creating new patient. There's list of meds checkboxes. So I need to push only checked ones to newPatient.meds.

我现在做的是:检查复选框(等于相应的对象ID),然后获取每个id的 Medicine 实例,并将其放在数组中。然后我试着把它推入`newPatient.meds'。

What I do now: I get ids of checked checkboxes (which equals to corresponding object id), then get Medicine instance for each id and put it in array. Then I try to push it in `newPatient.meds'.



You should use serializer for this issue.Here is answer to your question


10-11 08:30