#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Global variables declarations
int MAX_FILE_SIZE = 50;
const int MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 300;
int MAX_QUERY_LIST = 10;
// *************************************************************
// Structures declarations
// *************************************************************
// nodeData structure
// It stores int frequency, int fileNo, and nodeData pointer
// next.
struct nodeData
// Variables declarations
int frequency;
int fileNo;
struct nodeData * next;
typedef struct nodeData NodeData;
typedef struct nodeData * NodeDataPtr;
// node structure
// It stores string key, node pointer next, and nodeData pointer
// datanext.
struct node
// Variables declarations
string key;
struct node * next;
struct nodeData * dataNext;
typedef struct node Node;
typedef struct node * NodePtr;
// HashTable class
// It stores data into a data dArray containing 300 items.
// It also defines functions: Constructor HashTable(),
// insert(), print() and search() functions.
class HashTable
// Private variables and structures declaration
// Structure declaration struct named data
struct data
NodePtr root;
// Declare dArray[300]
data dArray[300];
int numOfData;
// Public functions declaration prototypes
// Constructor HashTable()
// HashTable() function set all the NodePtr root to NULL
// hash() function
// Parameters list: string key
// hash() function calculate the hash value index of the
// input key and return to the caller
int hash(string key);
// insert() function
// Parameters list: string key, int frequency, int fileNo
// Functions call list: hash()
// insert() function calls the hash() function to get the
// index of key in HashTable to input and store the key,
// and frequency to the HashTable according to the index.
void insert(string key, int frequency, int fileNo);
// print() function
// print() function prints all the whole HashTable
void print();
// search function
// Parameters list: string key
// Functions call list: hash()
// search function calls the hash() function to get the
// HashTable index and return the NodeDataPtr to the caller
NodeDataPtr search(string key);
// Constructor HashTable()
// HashTable() function set all the NodePtr root to NULL
// Set all dArray root = NULL
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
dArray[i].root = NULL;
// End of constructor HashTable()
// Hash() function
// Parameters list: string key
// Hash() function calculate the hash value index of the
// input key and return to the caller
int HashTable::hash(string key)
// Variables declarations
unsigned int hashValue;
int a;
for (int i = 0; i <key.length()> {
// Hash function
hashValue ^= (hashValue << 5) + (hashValue >> 2) + key[i];
return hashValue % MAX_TABLE_SIZE;
// End of hash() function
// Insert() function
// Parameters list: string key, int frequency, int fileNo
// Functions call list: hash()
// Insert() function calls the hash() function to get the
// index of key in HashTable to input and store the key,
// and frequency to the HashTable according to the index.
void HashTable::insert(string key, int frequency, int fileNo)
// Variables declarations
// Call hash() function and store in int index
int index = hash(key);
bool inserted = false;
// If the hashtable is empty, add the newNode to the root
if(dArray[index].root == NULL)
NodePtr newNode = new Node();
newNode->key = key;
newNode->next = NULL;
NodeDataPtr newNodeData = new nodeData();
newNodeData->frequency = frequency;
newNodeData->fileNo = fileNo;
newNodeData->next = NULL;
newNode->dataNext = newNodeData;
dArray[index].root = newNode;
dArray[index].root->dataNext = newNodeData;
// If the hashtable is not empty, add the newNode to the
// root
NodePtr currPtr = dArray[index].root;
NodeDataPtr currDataPtr = currPtr->dataNext;
while(currPtr != NULL)
if((key.compare(currPtr->key)) == 0 && (inserted == false))
NodeDataPtr newNodeData = new nodeData();
newNodeData->frequency = frequency;
newNodeData->fileNo = fileNo;
newNodeData->next = currPtr->dataNext;
currPtr->dataNext = newNodeData;
inserted = true;
currPtr = currPtr->next;
if(inserted == false)
NodePtr newNode = new Node();
newNode->key = key;
NodeDataPtr newNodeData = new nodeData();
newNodeData->frequency = frequency;
newNodeData->fileNo = fileNo;
newNodeData->next = NULL;
newNode->dataNext = newNodeData;
newNode->next = dArray[index].root;
dArray[index].root = newNode;
// End of insert() function
// Print() function
// Print() function prints all the whole HashTable
void HashTable::print()
// Variables declarations
NodePtr currPtr;
NodeDataPtr currDataPtr = currPtr->dataNext;
// Loop through the whole HashTable
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
cout << i + 1 << ": ";
// If dArray[i].root != NULL, print the fileNo,
// and frequency appear in the document
if(dArray[i].root != NULL)
NodePtr currPtr = dArray[i].root;
NodeDataPtr currDataPtr = currPtr->dataNext;
while(currPtr != NULL)
cout << currPtr->key << " ";
currDataPtr = currPtr->dataNext;
while(currDataPtr != NULL)
if(currDataPtr != NULL)
cout << "@" << currDataPtr->fileNo << " (" << currDataPtr->frequency << ") ";
currDataPtr = currDataPtr->next;
currPtr = currPtr->next;
cout << endl;
// End of print() function
// Search function
// Parameters list: string key
// Functions call list: hash()
// Search function calls the hash() function to get the
// HashTable index and return the NodeDataPtr to the caller
NodeDataPtr HashTable::search(string key)
// Variables declarations
// Call hash() function and store in int index
int index = hash(key);
NodeDataPtr currNodeDataPtr = NULL;
// If dArray[index] = NULL
if(dArray[index].root == NULL)
return NULL;
// Else
NodePtr currPtr = dArray[index].root;
// Loop through the linked list, return when the key
// matches the currPtr->key
while(currPtr != NULL)
if(key.compare(currPtr->key) == 0)
currNodeDataPtr = currPtr->dataNext;
while(currNodeDataPtr != NULL)
// Use to test if searching the correct fileNo
cout << "@Doc" << currNodeDataPtr->fileNo << " ";
return currNodeDataPtr;
currNodeDataPtr = currNodeDataPtr->next;
currPtr = currPtr->next;
return NULL;