
=(208bit +160bit+64bit+96bit +有效载荷)×(1/打包周期)
=( 528 / 打包周期 ) + 每秒比特数


G711:20ms打包,带宽为 ( 528/20 + 64) Kbit/s=90.4 Kbit/s
G729:20ms打包,带宽为 ( 528/20 + 8 ) Kbit/s= 34.4 Kbit/s
G723:5.3k,30ms打包,带宽为 ( 528/30 + 5.3 ) Kbit/s=22.9 Kbit/s
编解码技术        压缩速率(Kbps)        打包周期(ms)        IP网带宽系数        以太网带宽系数
G.711 a/u           64                     20                  1.25                      1.41
G.729 a/b           8                      20                  0.38                      0.54
G.723.1(5.3kbit/s)  5.3                    30                  0.27                      0.37
G.723.1(6.3Kbit/s)  6.3                    30                  0.25                      0.36
H.263(384Kbit/s)    ≈384                  10                   6                         6.2





We have finally almost finished Speex coding on AR1688 DSP. This open source voice codec turned out to be much more complicated than we expected. There are 8 different bitrate with 8k sampling from 2.15kpbs to 24.6kpbs. I am writing this article to answer a question of how much bandwidth this codec actually use during a call.

Let us calculate based on 802.3 ethernet using SIP protocol:

Ethernet CRC: 4 bytes
MAC header: 14 bytes
IP header: 20 bytes
UDP header: 8 bytes
RTP header: 12 bytes

Speex data: x bytes x depends on bitrate used and number of frames packed in an ethernet packet ("Voice frames per TX" option in AR1688)

Total: (58 + x) bytes

Speex uses 20ms as a frame the size of compressed data in a frame with different bitrate are:

2.15kbps: 6 bytes
3.95kbps: 10 bytes
5.95kbps: 15 bytes
8kbps: 20 bytes
11kbps: 28 bytes
15kbps: 38 bytes
18.2kbps: 46 bytes
24.6kbps: 62 bytes

When only 1 frame is included in an ethernet frame the actually used bandwidth are:

2.15k: 25.6k
3.95k: 27.2k
5.95k: 29.2k
8k: 31.2k
11k: 34.4k
15k: 38.4k
18.2k: 41.6k
24.6k: 48k

When 2 frames are included in an ethernet frame the actually used bandwidth are:

2.15k: 14k
3.95k: 15.6k
5.95k: 17.6k
8k: 19.6k
11k: 22.8k
15k: 26.8k
18.2k: 30k
24.6k: 36.4k

When 3 frames are included in an ethernet frame the actually used bandwidth are:

2.15k: 10.1k
3.95k: 11.7k
5.95k: 13.7k
8k: 15.7k
11k: 18.9k
15k: 22.9k
18.2k: 26.1k
24.6k: 32.5k

When 4 frames are included in an ethernet frame the actually used bandwidth are:

2.15k: 8.2k
3.95k: 9.8k
5.95k: 11.8k
8k: 13.8k
11k: 17k
15k: 21k
18.2k: 24.2k
24.6k: 30.6k

Speex 带宽计算方法

计算公式:(  网络包数据  +  数据包数据  )  /  采样时间 

网络包数据 :  58 bytes


网络 CRC: 4 bytes
(2)mac 地址: 14 bytes
(3)IP 头: 20 bytes
(4)UDP 头: 8 bytes
(5)RTP 头: 12 bytes

数据包数据: 20bytes



(58 +20)*8 /20*1000 = 31.2kb/s


(58 +40)*8 /40*1000 = 19.6 kb/s


(58 +60)*8 /60*1000 = 15.7 kb/s


(58 +80)*8 /80*1000 = 13.8 kb/s

05-14 05:04