本文介绍了P. Wadler的论文中的“严酷莫纳德"中的“⊥"是什么意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有人可以帮我从Wadler的论文中理解以下定义吗?理解Monads "? (摘录自第3.2节/第9页,即严格单子"小节.)

Can someone help me understand the following definition from Wadler's paper titled "Comprehending Monads"? (Excerpt is from section 3.2/page 9, i.e., the "Strictness Monad" subsection.)

严格 f x =如果 x ≠⊥则 f x 其他

strict f x = if x ≠ ⊥ then f x else ⊥.

操作上,首先通过将 x 简化为弱头范式(WHNF)来降低 strict f x 然后减少应用程序 f x .另外,可以安全地并行减少 x f x ,但是直到 x 在WHNF中.

Operationally, strict f x is reduced by first reducing x to weak head normal form (WHNF) and then reducing the application f x. Alternatively, it is safe to reduce x and f x in parallel, but not allow access to the result until x is in WHNF.


In the paper, we have yet to see use of the symbol made up of the two perpendicular lines (not sure what it's called) so it sort of comes out of nowhere.


Given that Wadler goes on to say that "we will use [strict] comprehensions to control the evaluation of lazy programs", it seems like a pretty important concept to understand.



The symbol you describe is "bottom". It comes from order theory (particularly lattice theory). The "bottom" element of a partially ordered set, if one exists, is the one that precedes all others. In programming language semantics, it refers to a value that is "less defined" than any other. It's common to assign the "bottom" value to every computation that either produces an error or fails to terminate, because trying to distinguish these conditions greatly weakens the mathematics and complicates program analysis.


To tie things into another answer, the logical "false" value is the bottom element of a lattice of truth values, and "true" is the top element. In classical logic, these are the only two, but one can also consider logics with infinitely many truthfulness values, such as intuitionism and various forms of constructivism. These take the notions in a rather different direction.

这篇关于P. Wadler的论文中的“严酷莫纳德"中的“⊥"是什么意思?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-11 03:39