


Once again I'm gonna show my noobiness by asking about the basics. This follow-up question is related to thread: Accessing javascript (Jquery) variables from Apache Wicket


I started to work with the AjaxSlider example, I have the value send back to me, but how do I render the slider component again with other parameters? I would like to change the maximum value that can be assigned to that AjaxSlider. Is there an api somewhere about this?


[the object for me is to create a label with percentages (from 0 to 100) and two sliders with which you can distribute the percentage as you please. E.g. let the user distribute money among men and women] This is the code I'm working with currently:

 add(new AjaxSlider("ajaxSlider1") {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public void onValueChanged(AjaxRequestTarget target, int newValue) {

        System.out.println("selected_value: "+newValue);


原始示例可在以下位置找到: AjaxSliderExample

The original example can be found here: AjaxSliderExample


Appreciate all the help and thank you for reading this far!



You have to access the underlying jqwicket's SliderBehavior from within the onValueChanged(..) method (e.g. create a getter for the SliderBehavior in the AjaxSlider or make it protected). After this you can change the maximum value of the slider like this:

public void onValueChanged(AjaxRequestTarget target, int newValue) {
   this.sliderBehavior.option(target, "'max'", "10");

通过这种方式,您可以操纵所有可用的滑块选项(请参阅jqwicket的SliderOptions类或原始的JQuery UI Slider文档).

In this way you can manipulate all available slider options (see jqwicket's SliderOptions class or original JQuery UI Slider documentation).


Note! You can alternatively inherit jqwicket's predefined SliderWebMarkupContainer to achieve the same result.


10-11 01:56