


As we all know strings are implicitly instantiated, meaning that we don't have to use new in order to get a reference to an object of one.


Because of this it was always my belief that the framework is taking care of this, and hence I would get identical IL if I did something like this:

String first = new String(new char[] {'a'});
string second = "a";

不过似乎用做第一行 newobj实例无效[mscorlib程序] System.String ::。ctor的(的char []) 第二 ldstr一个

因此​​,为了获得一个字符串引用,确实 ldstr 内部调用 newobj 和我在哪里可以看到规格/细节来支持这一行动?

So in order to obtain a string reference, does ldstr internally call newobj and where can I see the specification / details to back this up?


ldstr 为您提供了参考文本字符串作为的(记住文字字符串是按默认的实习,让他们只创建一次库/ system.reflection.emit.op codes.ldstr.aspx> )。第一条语句创建字符串使用 newobj 指令如预期的常规实例。

ldstr gives you the reference to the literal string as per the documentation (remember literal strings are interned per default, so they are only created once). The first statement creates a regular instance of string using the newobj instruction as expected.
