解决方案您似乎没有在响应中包括强制性的成功"属性.必须将其设置为true值以指示成功.服务器文档中的 http://docs.fineuploader.com/endpoint_handlers/traditional.html中对此进行了提及.有一个开放的案例可以消除对计划于6.0版计划的较新浏览器的要求.参见 https://github.com/FineUploader/fine-uploader/issues/1325以获取详细信息.I'm using fine uploader in a rails application and I've made a gist of what my method and my jQuery script looks like hereHere's my console logand here's my upload returning failed when it actually didn't fail:I thought this was just with my development server where files are being uploaded to FS but I tried it with my staging server that sends the files to a CDN server and it is still successfully uploaded with the same upload failed prompt: 解决方案 It looks like you are not including the mandatory "success" property in your response. It must be set to a value of true to indicate success. This is mentioned in the server documentation at http://docs.fineuploader.com/endpoint_handlers/traditional.html. There is an open case to remove this requirement for newer browsers, scheduled for version 6.0. See https://github.com/FineUploader/fine-uploader/issues/1325 for specifics. 这篇关于我的文件通过我的fineuploader设置上传,但显示上传失败.这是什么原因呢?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-10 22:12