

在浏览System.Zip(Delphi XE2)看看它是如何工作的时候,我发现这个功能:

  procedure VerifyWrite Stream:TStream; var Buffer; Count:Integer); 

这是ReturnAddress 部分的困惑我

我不知道中的是一个有效的关键字(语法荧光笔似乎不认识它根据IDE,它被声明为 System.ReturnAddress ,但我只能发现它被声明为(asm)代码中的某个标签 procedure _HandleAnyException; 。系统单元已经被引用了。


  1. 什么是 ReturnAddress

  2. code>提升异常。创建...在ReturnAddress do?



ReturnAddress 是完成 VerifyWrite 将返回的地址。

提升Exception.Create ...在ReturnAddress 表示当显示异常对话框时,它会将异常的地址指示为 ReturnAddress 。换句话说,异常消息将读取异常< whatever>在< ReturnAddress> ;:<异常消息> 中生成。

这是Delphi 7的帮助文件的摘录。它几乎和。

特别注意最后一句。关于在< address> 中使用是非常具体的。

While browsing System.Zip (Delphi XE2) to see how it works, I found this function:

procedure VerifyWrite(Stream: TStream; var Buffer; Count: Integer);
  if Stream.Write(Buffer, Count) <> Count then
    raise EZipException.CreateRes(@SZipErrorWrite) at ReturnAddress;

It's the at ReturnAddress part that sort of puzzles me.

I didn't know that at was a valid keyword (the syntax highlighter doesn't seem to recognise it either).

According to the IDE it's declared as System.ReturnAddress, but I can only find it declared as a label somewhere in the (asm) code of procedure _HandleAnyException;. The system unit is full of references to it though.

So what I would like to know is this:

  1. What is ReturnAddress?
  2. What exactly does Raise Exception.Create ... at ReturnAddress do?

Bonuspoints if you can give a real-world example of where this would be a useful construct, or if you can advice against using it.


ReturnAddress is the address to which VerifyWrite would have returned when finished.

Raise Exception.Create... at ReturnAddress means that when the exception dialog is displayed, it would indicate the address of the exception as being at ReturnAddress. In other words, the exception message would read Exception <whatever> raised at <ReturnAddress>: <Exception Message>.

Here is an excerpt from the help file for Delphi 7. It's nearly the same as the online version.

Note the last sentence in particular. It's pretty specific about the use of at <address>.


10-10 20:05