

在我的表格的Google表格中,我有一个列B,称为描述",我正尝试编写一个SQL查询以按列B的子字符串分组.B中的值类似于"Sell 1 Jan11 300.0/307.5扼杀",我只想按"Jan11"分组.我在Jan11上有几行,然后切换到Jan18,依此类推.

In my table, in Google Sheets, I have a column B called "description" and I'm trying to write a SQL query to group by substrings of column B. Values in B are like "Sell 1 Jan11 300.0/307.5 Strangle" and I just want to group by 'Jan11'. I have a few rows with Jan11 then it switches to Jan18, etc.


I've tried substring, char index, mid, and nothing is workingI've tried:

=QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, mid(B,7,5), sum(M) group by mid(B,7,5)"

=QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, substring(B,7,5), sum(M) group by substring(B,7,5)")

=QUERY('spgsh1378'!A1:AP,"select B, substring(B, 2, CHARINDEX(' ', B) - 2), sum(M) group by substring(B, 2, CHARINDEX(' ', B) - 2)"


I've gotten a parse error that says



your tries are not valid syntaxes. try like this:

=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({MID(spgsh1378!B1:B, 7, 5), spgsh1378!A1:AP}, 
 "select Col3,Col1,sum(Col14) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1,Col3
  label sum(Col14)''", 0))

=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({QUERY({MID('grouping project'!A1:A, 8, 5), 'grouping project'!A1:AO}, 
 "select Col1,sum(Col3) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label Col1'month',sum(Col3)'net'",1), 
 IF(LEN(QUERY(QUERY({MID('grouping project'!A1:A, 8, 5), 'grouping project'!A1:AO}, 
 "select Col1,sum(Col3) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label Col1'month',sum(Col3)'net'",1),"select Col1",0)), {"";MONTH(LEFT(
 QUERY(QUERY({MID('grouping project'!A1:A, 8, 5), 'grouping project'!A1:AO}, 
 "select Col1,sum(Col3) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label Col1'month',sum(Col3)'net'",1),"select Col1 offset 1", 0), 3)&1)&RIGHT(
 QUERY(QUERY({MID('grouping project'!A1:A, 8, 5), 'grouping project'!A1:AO}, 
 "select Col1,sum(Col3) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label Col1'month',sum(Col3)'net'",1),"select Col1 offset 1", 0), 2)}, )*1}, 
 "select Col1,Col2 order by Col3"))


10-10 07:32