本文介绍了ms sql查询文本列中的单词的计数发生的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个名为 webqueries 的表格,其名称为 qQuestion ,数据类型 text (sql server 2008)。我想为 qQuestion (不包括'和','is'等)使用的单词创建一个计数。我的目标是查看一个人对某个产品提出问题的次数。

I have a table called webqueries with a column named qQuestion of data type text(sql server 2008). I want to create a count on words used in qQuestion (excluding 'and', 'is' etc). My goal is to see how many times a person has asked a question about a specific product.


valued函数来解析单词,并将其连接到您的qQuestion查询。在你的模式中,我建议使用 varchar(8000) varchar(max)文本。同时,以下应该让你开始:

You could create a table-valued function to parse words and join it to your query against qQuestion. In your schema, I recommend using varchar(8000) or varchar(max) instead of text. Meanwhile, the following should get you started:

create function [dbo].[fnParseWords](@str varchar(max), @delimiter varchar(30)='%[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]%')
returns @result table(word varchar(max))
    if left(@delimiter,1)<>'%' set @delimiter='%'+@delimiter;
    if right(@delimiter,1)<>'%' set @delimiter+='%';
    set @str=rtrim(@str);
    declare @pi int=PATINDEX(@delimiter,@str);

    while @pi>0 begin
        insert into @result select LEFT(@str,@pi-1) where @pi>1;
        set @str=RIGHT(@str,len(@str)-@pi);
        set @pi=PATINDEX(@delimiter,@str);

    insert into @result select @str where LEN(@str)>0;

select COUNT(*)
from webqueries q
cross apply dbo.fnParseWords(cast(q.qQuestion as varchar(max)),default) pw
where pw.word not in ('and','is','a','the'/* plus whatever else you need to exclude */)

这篇关于ms sql查询文本列中的单词的计数发生的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 05:22