【1】Mysql Lua语言拼接实例


local sql = "select * from task_control where cycle_id = '" .. args["cycleid"] .. "' and state = 6;"
local sql = "update task_control set state = 7 where cycle_id = '" .. args["cycleid"] .. "';"
local sql = "select sum(if(cycle_low > 0, if(cycle_low > lastbalance, lastbalance, cycle_low), lastbalance)) 'gift' from cfg_acct_free_res " ..
    " where product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "' and call_type & " .. args["calltype"] ..
    " > 0 and disable_time > sysdate() and enable_time < sysdate();"
local sql = "select lastbalance 'cash' from cfg_subscriber_prepay " ..
" where product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "' and " ..
" disable_time > '" .. cycleid_str .. "01' and enable_time < '" .. getNextcyceid(cycleid_str) .. "01' " ..
" order by id DESC LIMIT 1;"
local sql = "select fee_rate 'fee_rate' from cfg_fee_rate c where c.product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .."' and call_type & " .. args["calltype"] ..
" > 0 and disable_date > sysdate() and enable_date < sysdate() order by level ASC limit 1;"
local sql = 'call sdrrating(\'' .. args["account"] .. '\', \'' .. args["cycleid"] .. '\');'
local sql = "select id, product_id, start_time, end_time, call_type from bill_user_special where " ..
    " cycle_id = '" .. cycleid_str .. "' and (isnull(process_cycleid) or process_cycleid <> '" .. cycleid_str .. "') " ..
    " order by product_id;"
local sql = "update view_dat_sdr_" .. cycleid_str .. " set service_qty = floor((duration + fee_unit - 1) / fee_unit), " ..
    " service_fee = floor((duration + fee_unit - 1) / fee_unit) * fee_rate " ..
    " where product_id = '" .. user["product_id"] .. "' and call_type = 1;"

(2)replace into 语句

local sql = "replace into dat_bill_" .. args["cycleid"] .. "(" ..

    "custom_id," ..           -- 2
    "contract_id," ..         -- 3
    "product_id," ..          -- 4
    "call_type," ..           -- 5
    -- 总费用
    "total_fee," ..           -- 6
    "total_duration," ..      -- 7
    "total_times," ..         -- 8

    -- 结算费用

    -- 过程控制*/

    ") select '" ..
    args["cycleid"] .. "'," ..  -- 1
    "''," ..                    -- 2
    "''," ..                    -- 3
    "product_id," ..            -- 4
    "call_type," ..             -- 5

    -- 总费用
    "sum(service_fee)," ..      -- 6
    "sum(duration)," ..         -- 7

    "0," ..                     -- 9
    "0," ..                     -- 10

    -- 结算费用
    "source," ..                -- 11
    "sum(duration)," ..         -- 12
    "count(*)," ..              -- 13
    "sum(np_fee)," ..           -- 14

    -- 过程控制
    "'00'," ..                  -- 15

    " from view_dat_sdr_" .. args["cycleid"] .. " where product_id = '" .. args["account"] .. "' group by call_type;"


local sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE cfg_subscriber_prepay;" ..
" INSERT INTO cfg_subscriber_prepay SELECT * FROM cfg_subscriber_prepay_" .. args["cycleid"] .. ";" ..
" DROP TABLE cfg_subscriber_prepay_" .. args["cycleid"] .. "; commit;"
local undoSql = "START TRANSACTION;" ..
    " REPLACE INTO cfg_subscriber_prepay " ..
    " SELECT * FROM cfg_subscriber_prepay_" .. args["cycleid"] .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "';" ..
    " DELETE FROM cfg_subscriber_prepay_" .. args["cycleid"] .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "';" ..
    " REPLACE INTO cfg_acct_free_res " ..
    " SELECT * FROM acct_free_res_" .. args["cycleid"] .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "';" ..
    " DELETE FROM acct_free_res_" .. args["cycleid"] .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "';" ..
    " DELETE FROM cfg_prepay_history WHERE product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "' AND cycle_id = '" .. args["cycleid"] .. "';" ..
    " DELETE FROM dat_bill_" .. args["cycleid"] ..
    " WHERE cycle_id = '" .. args["cycleid"] .. "' AND product_id = '" .. args["productid"] .. "' AND call_type = '1048576';" ..
    " COMMIT;"


local np_sum_fee = "SELECT product_id, IFNULL(SUM(duration), 0) AS np_sum_duration, COUNT(id) AS np_sum_cdrCnt, " ..
" IFNULL(SUM(service_qty), 0) AS np_service_qty, IFNULL(SUM(service_fee), 0) AS np_service_fee, " ..
" IFNULL(SUM(np_fee), 0) AS np_sum_fee, IFNULL(SUM(original_fee), 0) AS np_sum_original_fee " ..
" FROM np_cdr_" .. cycleid .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. record["product_id"] .. "';"


local select_productid = "select product_id from np_cdr_" .. cycleid .. " group by product_id;"
local rtn, productid_set = executeSql(select_productid)
if rtn then

local sql_const = "insert into compare_fee_" .. cycleid .. " (product_id, np_id, np_sum_duration, np_total_times, " ..
"np_sum_qty, np_sum_fee, un_sum_duration, un_total_times, un_sum_fee, sum_np_fee, sum_original_fee) values "
if type(productid_set) == 'table' and next(productid_set) ~= nil then
    for key, record in pairs(productid_set) do
        local amount_table = {}
        amount_table["product_id"] = record["product_id"]
        amount_table["np_id"] = 'all'
        -- 【1】统计
        local np_sum_fee = "SELECT product_id, IFNULL(SUM(duration), 0) AS np_sum_duration, COUNT(id) AS np_sum_cdrCnt, " ..
        " IFNULL(SUM(service_qty), 0) AS np_service_qty, IFNULL(SUM(service_fee), 0) AS np_service_fee, " ..
        " IFNULL(SUM(np_fee), 0) AS np_sum_fee, IFNULL(SUM(original_fee), 0) AS np_sum_original_fee " ..
        " FROM np_cdr_" .. cycleid .. " WHERE product_id = '" .. record["product_id"] .. "';"
        local rtn, desc = executeSql(np_sum_fee)
        if rtn and next(desc) ~= nil then
        -- 【2】汇总
        local un_sum_fee = "SELECT product_id, IFNULL(SUM(total_duration), 0) AS un_sum_duration, IFNULL(SUM(total_times), 0) AS un_sum_cdrCnt, " ..
        " IFNULL(SUM(total_fee), 0) AS un_sum_fee FROM dat_bill_" .. cycleid .. " WHERE call_type & 4097 > 0 AND product_id = '" .. record["product_id"] .. "';"
        local rtn, desc = executeSql(un_sum_fee)
        if rtn and next(desc) ~= nil then
        -- 构建sql语句
            insert_sql = insert_sql .. ","
            insert_sql = sql_const
        insert_sql = insert_sql .. "('" ..
        amount_table["product_id"] .. "', '" ..
        amount_table["np_id"] .. "', " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        ().. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ", " ..
        () .. ")"
        value_count = value_count +
         == value_count then
            sum_count = sum_count + value_count
            insert_sql = insert_sql .. "; commit;"
            local rtn, result = executeSql(insert_sql)
            if not rtn then
                rtnstr["msg"] = "Error. amount_sum_fee insert into sum_fee num : " .. sum_count .. " sql : " .. insert_sql
                return false
                local result = "compare: success to amount_sum_fee insert into sum_fee num : " .. sum_count
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, result)
            insert_sql = ""
            value_count =
        sum_count = sum_count + value_count
        insert_sql = insert_sql .. "; commit;"
        local rtn, result = executeSql(insert_sql)
        if not rtn then
            rtnstr["msg"] = "Error. amount_sum_fee insert into sum_fee num : " .. sum_count .. " sql : " .. insert_sql
            return false
            local result = "compare: success to amount_sum_fee insert into sum_fee num : " .. sum_count
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, result)
        insert_sql = ""
        value_count =

(6)常量sql 拼接其他sql语句

local insert_const_sql = "insert into dat_bill_" .. cycleid_str .. "(" ..

    " custom_id," ..           -- 2
    " contract_id," ..         -- 3
    " product_id," ..          -- 4
    " call_type," ..           -- 5

    -- [1]
    " total_fee," ..           -- 6
    " total_duration," ..      -- 7
    " total_times," ..         -- 8

    -- [2]
    " np_id," ..               -- 11
    " np_duration," ..         -- 12
    " np_times," ..            -- 13
    " np_fee," ..              -- 14

    -- [3]

local select_sql = "select " ..
    "product_id, " ..                         -- 4
    "call_type, " ..                          -- 5

    -- [1]
    "IFNULL(sum(service_fee), 0) as un_total_fee, " ..   -- 6
    "IFNULL(sum(duration), 0) as total_duration, " ..    -- 7
    "count(*) as total_times, " ..                       -- 8

    -- [2]
    "source, " ..                                     -- 11
    "IFNULL(sum(np_fee), 0) as np_total_fee, " ..     -- 14 integer NULL,

    -- [3]

    " from view_dat_sdr_" .. cycleid_str .. " where product_id = '" .. productid .. "' and call_type & " .. calltype .. " > 0 " ..
    " and (reserve_00 = '0' OR reserve_00 = '2') group by call_type;"
local rtn, desc = executeSql(select_sql, cfg.is_master_bill)
if not rtn then
    rtnstr["msg"] = "failed to genBill select data cycleid : " .. cycleid_str .. " productid : " .. productid .. " error : " .. desc
    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, rtnstr["msg"])
    if type(desc) == "table" and next(desc) ~= nil then
        local insert_sql = ""
        for key, value in ipairs(desc) do
            insert_sql = insert_sql .. insert_const_sql
            insert_sql = insert_sql .. "('" .. cycleid_str .. "', '', '', '" .. productid .. "', " .. value["call_type"] .. ", " ..
            value["un_total_fee"] .. ", " .. value["total_duration"] .. ", " .. value["total_times"] .. ", 0, 0, '" ..
            value["source"] .. "', " .. value["total_duration"] .. ", " .. value["total_times"] .. ", " .. value["np_total_fee"] .. ", '00', '" ..
            value["current"] .. "', '" .. value["current"] .. "')" ..
            " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" ..
            " total_fee = " .. value["un_total_fee"] .. ", total_duration = " .. value["total_duration"] .. "," ..
            " total_times = " .. value["total_times"] .. ", np_duration = " .. value["total_duration"] .. "," ..
            " np_times = " .. value["total_times"] .. ", np_fee = " .. value["np_total_fee"] .. "," ..
            " insert_time = '" .. value["current"] .. "', update_time = '" .. value["current"] .. "'; "
        --ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "genBill insert into dat_bill_" .. cycleid_str .. " insert_sql : " .. insert_sql)
        local rtn, err = executeSql(insert_sql)
        if not rtn then
            rtnstr["msg"] = "Error. failed to genBill insert into dat_bill_" .. cycleid_str .. " productid : " .. productid ..
            " call_type : " .. value["call_type"] .. " error : " .. err
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, rtnstr["msg"])
        rtnstr["msg"] = "OK. genBill bill productid : " .. productid .. " cycleid : " .. cycleid_str .. " is empty"
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, rtnstr["msg"])


lcoal sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '" .. csvdir .. string.gsub(offlinefile["filename"], ".zip", ".csv") .. "' " ..
"INTO TABLE np_cdr_" .. cycleid_str .." FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' IGNORE 1 LINES (product_id,calling_id,start_time,duration,call_type,@fee) "  ..
"set original_fee = @fee * 1000, insert_time = sysdate(), " ..
"np_id = '" .. offlinefile["np_id"] .. "'," ..
"cdr_state = '00', " ..
"source = '" .. offlinefile["filename"] .. "';"


local sql = "select call_type, ani_area, dnis_area, fee_rate, fee_unit, fee_type, transfer_area, " ..
    " ifnull(np_id,'none') 'np_id', " ..
    " ifnull(to_days(enable_date) - TO_DAYS('19700101') - 1, 0) 'startdate', " ..
    " ifnull(to_days(disable_date) - TO_DAYS('19700101') + 1, 0) 'enddate'" ..
    " From cfg_fee_rate where product_id = '" ..
    productid .. "' and (fee_type = 'voice' or fee_type = 'sms') order by level DESC, enable_date DESC;"
local update_sql = "update np_cdr_" .. cycleid_str ..
" set np_unit = IF(call_type = '长话', " .. long_rate["fee_unit"] .. ", " .. short_rate["fee_unit"] .. "), " ..
" np_rate = IF(call_type = '长话', " .. long_rate["fee_rate"] .. ", " .. short_rate["fee_rate"] .. "), "..
" np_qty = FLOOR((duration + np_unit - 1) / np_unit), " ..
" np_fee = FLOOR((duration + np_unit - 1) / np_unit) * np_rate " ..
" where np_id = '" .. offlinefile["np_id"] .. "' and source = '" .. offlinefile["filename"] .. "';"


local sql = "select distinct a.id, a.product_id, a.realbalance, a.balance " ..
    " from cfg_subscriber_prepay a " ..
    " where a.status = '01' and a.disable_time > '" .. lastyearmonth .. "01' and " ..
    " a.enable_time < '" .. (getNextcyceid(lastyearmonth)) .. "01' order by a.product_id, a.id;"


local sqlstr = "replace into dat_bill_" .. cycleid_str .. "(cycle_id, custom_id, contract_id, product_id, call_type, total_fee," ..
" total_duration, total_times, discount_fee, cash_fee, np_id, np_duration, np_times, np_fee," ..
" bill_state, insert_time, update_time) select '" .. cycleid_str ..
"' , '+', '+', product_id, call_type, fee_rate" ..
", 1, 1, 0" ..
", 0, '0', 1, 1, 0, '0', sysdate(), sysdate() from cfg_fee_rate where call_type & ".. string.format("%d", cfg.globalcalltypecode['service']) .. " > 0 and disable_date >= '" ..
getNextcyceid(cycleid_str) .. "01' and enable_date < '" .. getNextcyceid(cycleid_str) ..  "01' order by product_id;" 


local sqlstr = "update cfg_acct_free_res set " .. computebalance .. " = " ..
    string.format("%d", fr_record[refbalance] - fr_record["cycle_low"]) ..
    " where id = " .. fr_record["id"] .. ";"

sqlstr = sqlstr .. "insert into dat_bill_" .. cycleid_str .. "(cycle_id, custom_id, contract_id, product_id, call_type, total_fee," ..
    "total_duration, total_times, discount_fee, cash_fee, np_id, np_duration, np_times, np_fee," ..
    "bill_state, insert_time, update_time) values('" .. -- values
    cycleid_str ..
    "', '+', '+', '" .. freeresproduct .."', 131072," ..
    string.format("%d", fr_record["cycle_low"] - fr_record["resumesum"]) ..
    ", 1, 1," ..
    string.format("%d", fr_record["cycle_low"] - fr_record["resumesum"]) ..
    ", 0, '0', 1, 1, 0, '0', sysdate(), sysdate()) on duplicate key update " .. -- on duplicate key update
    "total_fee = total_fee + " .. string.format("%d", fr_record["cycle_low"] - fr_record["resumesum"]) .."," ..
    "discount_fee = discount_fee + " .. string.format("%d", fr_record["cycle_low"] - fr_record["resumesum"]) .."," ..
    "total_times = total_times + 1;"

Good Good Study, Day Day Up.

顺序 选择 循环 总结

05-14 15:30