

我需要在一次 php 执行中使用 propel 从数据库中强制重新读取数据.我已经有一个有点hacky的解决方案:为相应的类调用init%modelName%,但想要更好的东西.

I need to force reread data from DB within one php execution, using propel. I already have a bit hacky solution: call init%modelName% for corresponding classes, but want something better.


Is there any single call or service config option for that? Like killing whole instance pool.

关于服务:我们使用 symfony2 并且只在一种特定情况下不需要缓存,因此我们甚至可以为此创建单独的环境.

About service: we use symfony2 and don't need cache only in one specific case, hence we can create even separate environment for that.


您可以通过调用全局禁用实例池:Propel::disableInstancePooling() (Propel::enableInstancePooling() 对启用实例池很有用).

You can globally disable the instance pooling by calling: Propel::disableInstancePooling() (Propel::enableInstancePooling() is useful to enable the instance pooling).

否则,您可以依赖包含生成方法的 PEER 类,例如 clearInstancePool()clearRelatedInstancePool().

Otherwise, you can rely on PEER classes which contain generated methods like clearInstancePool(), and clearRelatedInstancePool().


09-27 16:16