Firebug console throws an error. It states that the code which I'm trying to use for tracking social events is used before //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js has finished loading asynchronously.
However, I followed Twitter documentation ( https://dev.twitter.com/web/javascript/events ), and wrapped it around twttr.ready(), in the same way one does with Facebook events.
<script type="text/javascript"> //load social sharing buttons async
(function(w, d, s) {
function go(){
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], load = function(url, id) {
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement(s); js.src = url; js.id = id;
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
load('//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=1111111111111111&xfbml=1', 'fbjssdk');
load('https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js', 'gplus1js');
load('//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', 'tweetjs');
if (w.addEventListener) { w.addEventListener("load", go, false); }
else if (w.attachEvent) { w.attachEvent("onload",go); }
}(window, document, 'script'));
<script type="text/javascript">
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(targetUrl) {
ga('send', 'social', 'facebook', 'like', targetUrl);
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(targetUrl) {
ga('send', 'social', 'facebook', 'unlike', targetUrl);
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
twttr.events.bind('tweet', function(e){
if(!e) return;
ga('send', 'social', 'twitter', 'tweet', theURL);
似乎尚未初始化。确保脚本( // platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
It appears that twttr
is not initialized yet. Make sure the script (//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
) is loading before the block of code you have.
This is the reason you're getting undefined (twttr).
看到你的编辑后,很清楚发生了什么。您的脚本在页面加载后附加头部并加载脚本。在您执行代码之后,这些代码依赖于您注入头部并仍在加载的内容,这就是 twttr
After seeing your edits, it's quite clear what is happening. Your scripts are appending the head and loading the scripts after the page is loading. Right after you're executing code that depends on the stuff you've injected into the head and are still loading which is why twttr
is not initialized yet.
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(targetUrl) {
ga('send', 'social', 'facebook', 'like', targetUrl);
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(targetUrl) {
ga('send', 'social', 'facebook', 'unlike', targetUrl);
document.getElementById('tweetjs').addEventListener('load', function() {
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
twttr.events.bind('tweet', function(e){
if(!e) return;
ga('send', 'social', 'twitter', 'tweet', theURL);
}, false);
}, false);
If you want cross browser support, you may want to follow what they did in their function to check for window.addEventListener first, and then fall back to window.attachEvent for older browsers.