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本文介绍了R裁剪光栅数据和设置轴限制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 在另一个线程的帮助下,我设法绘制一些全局地图。首先,将气象GRIB2数据转换为Netcdf,然后绘制全局地图。 现在我只想画一个地图的一个子区域。我已经尝试了crop命令并成功地提取了全局nc文件的子区域。但是当绘图我找不到如何控制轴限制。它绘制了一个比数据区域更大的地图,这样大的空格就出现在两边。 这是我用来绘制地图的脚本 $ b $ 库(raster)库(maptools) DIA = format(Sys.time(),%Y%m%d00)#Data d'avui url = sprintf(ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/ nccf / com / gfs / prod / gfs。%s / gfs.t00z.pgrb2f00,DIA)#Ruta del ftp loc = file.path(sprintf(%s,url)) download.file(loc,gfs.grb,mode =wb) system(/ usr / bin / grib2 / wgrib2 / wgrib2 -s gfs.grb | grep:TMP: / usr / bin / grib2 / wgrib2 / wgrib2 -i gfs.grb-netcdf temp.nc,intern = T) t2m< - raster(temp.nc,varname =TMP_2maboveground ) rt2m< - rotate(t2m) t2mc = rt2m-273.15 DAY =格式(Sys.time(),%Y%m%d) #Data d'avui e = extent(-40,40,20,90) tt = crop(t2mc,e) png(filename = gfs.png,width = 700,height = 600,bg =white) rgb.palette< - colorRampPalette(c(snow1,snow 2,snow3,seagreen,orange,firebrick),space =rgb)#colors plot(tt,col = rgb.palette(200),main = as.expression (粘贴(Temperatura a 2m,DAY,+ 00 UTC,sep =)),axes = T) dev.off() pre> 提供此输出。 它必须是一个简单的,但我是一个简单的R用户。感谢提前。 编辑:添加xlim = c(-40,40),ylim = c(20,90)时的新输出。看来它不能解决问题。但是,使用x,y输出png文件的大小看起来很有希望,因为我可以调整大小以适应地图。确定它必须是另一个解决方案,正确的我找不到。 解决方案下载数据文件后,我可以直接用光栅读取。我选择乐队221(如果我没有错),这是你需要根据 此表格: 光栅) t2mc< - raster('gfs.grb',band = 221) > t2mc 类别:RasterLayer 带:221(315个带)尺寸:361,720,259920(nrow,ncol,ncell)分辨率:0.5,0.5(x, y)范围:-0.25,359.75,-90.25,90.25(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) coord。 REF。 :+ proj = longlat + a = 6371229 + b = 6371229 + no_defs 数据源:/home/oscar/gfs.grb 名称:gfs pre> 您不需要整个范围,因此您可以使用 crop 获取所需的范围: e< - extent(-40,40,20,90) tt< - crop t2mc,e) 我试图显示 tt raster with plot without success。但是,如果您使用不同的程度(89.5而不是90),则可以正确使用 spplot : e< - 范围(-40,40,20,89.5) tt< - crop(t2mc,e) spplot tt) 现在我们必须添加管理界限: 库(maps)库(mapdata)库(maptools) ext boundary< - map('worldHires', xlim = ext [1:2],ylim = ext [3:4], plot = FALSE)边界< - map2SpatialLines(边界, proj4string = CRS(projection(tt))) 并更改调色板: rgb.palette< - colorRampPalette(c(snow1,snow2,snow3 ,seagreen,orange,firebrick), space =rgb) spplot(tt,col.regions = rgb.palette, colorkey = list(height = 0.3), sp.layout = list('sp.lines',boundary,lwd = 0.5)) 如果您更喜欢 latticeExtra :: layer 方法,您可以通过此代码实现a相似的结果: library(rasterVis) levelplot(tt,col.regions = rgb.palette, colorkey = list(height = .3))+ layer(sp.lines(boundary,lwd = 0.5)) With your help in another thread I have managed to plot some global maps. First I convert meteorological GRIB2 data to Netcdf and then plot the global maps. Now I want to plot just a subregion of the map. I have tried crop command and succesfully extracted the subregion of the global nc file. But when plotting I can't find how to control axis limits. It plots a map bigger than data region so big white spaces appear on both sides.This is the script I'm using to plot mapslibrary("ncdf")library("raster")library("maptools")DIA=format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d00") # Data d'avuiurl=sprintf("ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.%s/gfs.t00z.pgrb2f00", DIA) # Ruta del ftploc=file.path(sprintf("%s",url))download.file(loc,"gfs.grb",mode="wb")system("/usr/bin/grib2/wgrib2/wgrib2 -s gfs.grb | grep :TMP: | /usr/bin/grib2/wgrib2/wgrib2 -i gfs.grb -netcdf temp.nc",intern=T)t2m <- raster("temp.nc", varname = "TMP_2maboveground")rt2m <- rotate(t2m)t2mc=rt2m-273.15DAY=format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d") # Data d'avuie=extent(-40,40,20,90)tt=crop(t2mc,e)png(filename="gfs.png",width=700,height=600,bg="white") rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("snow1","snow2","snow3","seagreen","orange","firebrick"), space = "rgb")#colors plot(tt,col=rgb.palette(200),main=as.expression(paste("Temperatura a 2m ",DAY," + 00 UTC",sep="")),axes=T)dev.off()that give this output.It has to be a simple one but I am a simple R user. Thanks in advance.EDIT: New output when adding xlim=c(-40,40),ylim=c(20,90) as suggested. It seems it does not fix the problem. But playing with x,y size of the output png file looks promising as I can adjust size to fit the map.For sure it has to be another solution, the right one I can't find. 解决方案 After downloading the data file, I can read directly withraster. I choose band 221 that (if I am not wrong) it is what youneed according tothis table:library("raster")t2mc <- raster('gfs.grb', band=221)> t2mcclass : RasterLayer band : 221 (of 315 bands)dimensions : 361, 720, 259920 (nrow, ncol, ncell)resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y)extent : -0.25, 359.75, -90.25, 90.25 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +a=6371229 +b=6371229 +no_defs data source : /home/oscar/gfs.grb names : gfs You don't need the whole extent so you use crop to get thedesired extent:e <- extent(-40,40,20,90)tt <- crop(t2mc,e)I have tried to display the tt raster with plot withoutsuccess. However, it works correctly with spplot if you use adifferent extent (89.5 instead of 90):e <- extent(-40,40,20,89.5)tt <- crop(t2mc,e)spplot(tt)Now we have to add the administrative boundaries:library(maps)library(mapdata)library(maptools)ext <- as.vector(e)boundaries <- map('worldHires', xlim=ext[1:2], ylim=ext[3:4], plot=FALSE)boundaries <- map2SpatialLines(boundaries, proj4string=CRS(projection(tt)))and change the palette:rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("snow1","snow2","snow3","seagreen","orange","firebrick"), space = "rgb")spplot(tt, col.regions=rgb.palette, colorkey=list(height=0.3), sp.layout=list('sp.lines', boundaries, lwd=0.5))If you prefer the latticeExtra::layer approach, you can achievea similar result with this code:library(rasterVis)levelplot(tt, col.regions=rgb.palette, colorkey=list(height=.3)) + layer(sp.lines(boundaries, lwd=0.5)) 这篇关于R裁剪光栅数据和设置轴限制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-27 00:17