我正在尝试使用Hummus PDF JS基于PaperJS导出的路径绘制路径.
I am trying to draw paths with Hummus PDF JS based on paths exported from PaperJS.
Hence PaperJS data output would be the data input for Hummus.
Those two libraries works differently to create curves.PaperJS uses handles to curve a straight lines, while Hummus will curve a line based on 3 points.
比方说,我想有一条贯穿3个关键点的曲线:[200,100]-> [300,200]-> [400,100].像这张照片:
Let's say I want to have a curved line that goes through 3 key points: [200, 100] -> [300, 200] -> [400, 100]. Like this picture:
With PaperJS, I will have to do something like this:
var vector = new Point({
angle: 45,
length: 188
var path = new Path({
strokeColor: 'blue',
segments: [
[[200, 100], null, vector],
[[400, 100], vector.rotate(90), null]
但是,对于Hummus,我将不得不使用c(inX1,inY1,inX2,inY2,inX3,inY3) "nofollow noreferrer>此处会是这样的:c(200,100,300,325,400,100);
However, with Hummus, I will have to use the operator c(inX1,inY1,inX2,inY2,inX3,inY3)
from here It would be something like this:c(200, 100, 300, 325, 400, 100);
Unless I am using the wrong operator?
My goal here is just to understand how to get data from PaperJS and make it exploitable to draw with Hummus.
您显示给Paper.js的代码用于定义由两行(作为矢量)组成的路径,由Paper神奇地连接在一起. .js的默认加入操作.
The code you show for Paper.js is for defining a path consisting of two lines (as vectors), magically joined by Paper.js's default join operation.
So if you want Hummus to do the same, either look up how to make it do the same thing, or manually generate the two line segments where you need them (presumably Hummus needs some form of line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
command for that) and then write the join manually. There are too many ways to join up two line segments, so let's pretend you want a simple curve that works well for shallow angles:
- 线段1 {x1,y1,x2,y2}和
- 线段2 {x3,y3,x4,y4}和
- 协调{x5,y5}线段所在的线的交叉点,
then a simple quadratic join would be with start point {x2,y2}, control point {x5,y5}, and end point {x3,y3}.
这篇关于在Hummus PDF JS中使用PaperJS导出路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!