


hi can anyone show how to use the modem.oqpskmod for BER. thanks!

    h = modem.oqpskmod
    y = modulate(h, values);
    g = modem.oqpskdemod(h)
    z = demodulate(g, y)


let's assume that i have array called values which contains only 1s and 0s.my question is how would i calculate BER? of course if above my code is correct.



Based on this Wikipedia page, you simply have to compute the number of incorrect bits and divide by the total number of transferred bits to get the bit error rate (BER). If values is the unmodulated input signal and z is the output signal after modulation and demodulation, you can compute it like this:

BER = sum(logical(values(:)-z(:)))/numel(values);


I modified the above code just in case you run into two situations:

  • 如果z的值不是0和1.
  • 如果z的大小与values的大小不同(即行向量与列向量).
  • If z has values other than 0 and 1.
  • If z is a different size than values (i.e. row vector versus column vector).

我不知道您是否曾经遇到过这两种情况,但是安全胜过遗憾. ;)

I don't know if you are ever likely to come across these two situations, but better safe than sorry. ;)


09-26 15:21