


I am new to Drools. I am creating a rule but I get a compile time error

我尝试检查Jboss示例,其中使用了方言奇迹" .它编译了.我不了解方言.那么什么是dialect=mvel?

I've tried to check with Jboss examples, where they use dialect "mvel". It compiled. I didn't understand about dialect. So what is dialect=mvel?


mvel MVFLEX表达式语言具有丰富的语法,其中许多语法允许使用更简洁明了的代码(且比java少的命令性),例如

mvel, or the MVFLEX Expression Language has a rich syntax, many of which allow for more concise and expressive code (and less imperative) than java, e.g.

  • 用于get() ters/set() ters(例如封装私有字段)的简写,可以使用另一种property样式语法(类似于.Net中的VB或C#属性)
  • Shorthand for get()ters / set()ters (e.g. encapsulating private fields) to be accessed in an alternative property style syntax (similar to VB or C# properties in .Net)


int x = myObject.getSomeIntField();


You can use the syntax (note the subtle capitalization switch as well):

myObject.someField = "SomeValue"
x = myObject.someIntField // Type inferrence

  • return语句是可选的(在许多功能语言(如Scala中都可以找到)的约定)和分号一样,除非每行有多个语句:
    • The return statement is optional (a convention found in many functional languages like Scala), as is the semi-colon, unless you have multiple statements per line:
    • x  // i.e. return x;

      • 按顺序创建速记数组和建立索引
      • foos = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
        foos[3] // foos.get(3)

        • 类似地用于地图(词典)
        • bars = ["a" : "Apple", "b" : "Basket"] // Hashmap, with put
          bars.a // Similar to dynamically typed object e.g. in javascript, if key is a string.

          • 空安全导航运算符(例如Rosyln中的空条件运算符)
          • foo.?bar.baz // if (foo.bar != null) { return foo.bar.baz; } else { return null; }


10-16 18:45