


I've read an excellent article on MSDN regarding Generics in C#.

这在我脑海中突然出现的问题是 - 为什么我应该使用泛型约束

The question that popped in my head was - why should i be using generic constraints?


For example, if I use code like this:

public class MyClass<T> where T : ISomething

我不能切换 T 的所有引用这一类 ISomething


What's the benefit of using this approach?



您会问,我不能切换 T 的所有引用这一类 ISomething ?所以,我想你的意思比较:

You ask, "can't I switch ALL references of T in this class with ISomething?" So I think you mean to compare:

public class MyClass<T> where T : ISomething 
    public T MyProperty { get; set; }


public class MyClass 
    public ISomething MyProperty { get; set; }

在第二个例子中, myProperty的只能保证是 ISomething 的一个实例。在第一个例子, myProperty的是什么 T 是,即使是 ISomething 。考虑一个具体的实施 ISomething

In the second example, MyProperty is only guaranteed to be an instance of ISomething. In the first example, MyProperty is whatever T is, even if that is a specific subtype of ISomething. Consider a concrete implementation of ISomething:

public class MySomething : ISomething
    public string MyOtherProperty { get; set; }


Now, if we use the first, generic, example, we could have:

MyClass<MySomething> myClass = new MyClass<MySomething>();

在另一方面,如果我们使用的第二个例子,我们将无法访问 MyOtherProperty ,因为它是唯一已​​知的是一个 ISomething

On the other hand, if we used the second example, we wouldn't be able to access MyOtherProperty since it's only known to be an ISomething:

MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
Console.WriteLine(myClass.MyProperty.MyOtherProperty); // Won't compile, no property "MyOtherProperty"

在一个不同的说明,这些类型的约束是非常有用的原因是,你可以参考 myProperty的(类型为 T )和 ISomething 的访问权限的成员。换句话说,如果 ISomething 被声明如:

On a different note, the reason these type constraints are useful is that you can refer to MyProperty (type T) and access members of ISomething. In other words, if ISomething were declared like:

public interface ISomething 
    public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

然后,你可以访问 MyProperty.SomeProperty 。如果省略了其中T:ISomething ,那么你将无法访问 SomeProperty ,因为 T 只会已知类型的对象

Then you could access MyProperty.SomeProperty. If you omitted the where T : ISomething then you wouldn't be able to access SomeProperty since T would only be known to be of type object.


10-16 03:04