


BeautifulSoup 提供了非常有限的支持 。例如,唯一支持的伪类是 nth-of-type ,它只能接受数值 - 甚至

BeautifulSoup provides a very limited support for CSS selectors. For instance, the only supported pseudo-class is nth-of-type and it can only accept numerical values - arguments like even or odd are not allowed.

可以扩展 BeautifulSoup CSS选择器或允许其在内部使用作为底层CSS选择机制?

Is it possible to extend BeautifulSoup CSS selectors or let it use lxml.cssselect internally as an underlying CSS selection mechanism?


Let's take a look at an example problem/use case. Locate only even rows in the following HTML:


lxml.html lxml.cssselect ,很容易通过:nth-​​of-type(even)

from lxml.html import fromstring
from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector

tree = fromstring(data)

sel = CSSSelector('tr:nth-of-type(even)')

print [e.text_content().strip() for e in sel(tree)]

但是,在 BeautifulSoup




print([row.get_text(strip=True) for index, row in enumerate(soup.find_all("tr"), start=1) if index % 2 == 0])


检查源代码后,似乎 BeautifulSoup 在其接口中不提供任何方便的点来扩展或修补其现有功能在这方面。使用 lxml 的功能是不可能的,因为 BeautifulSoup 只使用 lxml ,并使用解析结果从它们创建自己的相应对象。 lxml 对象不保留,以后无法访问。

After checking the source code, it seems that BeautifulSoup does not provide any convenient point in its interface to extend or monkey patch its existing functionality in this regard. Using functionality from lxml is not possible either since BeautifulSoup only uses lxml during parsing and uses the parsing results to create its own respective objects from them. The lxml objects are not preserved and cannot be accessed later.


That being said, with enough determination and with the flexibility and introspection capabilities of Python, anything is possible. You can modify the BeautifulSoup method internals even at run-time:

import inspect
import re
import textwrap

import bs4.element

def replace_code_lines(source, start_token, end_token,
                       replacement, escape_tokens=True):
    """Replace the source code between `start_token` and `end_token`
    in `source` with `replacement`. The `start_token` portion is included
    in the replaced code. If `escape_tokens` is True (default),
    escape the tokens to avoid them being treated as a regular expression."""

    if escape_tokens:
        start_token = re.escape(start_token)
        end_token = re.escape(end_token)

    def replace_with_indent(match):
        indent = match.group(1)
        return textwrap.indent(replacement, indent)

    return re.sub(r"^(\s+)({}[\s\S]+?)(?=^\1{})".format(start_token, end_token),
                  replace_with_indent, source, flags=re.MULTILINE)

# Get the source code of the Tag.select() method
src = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(bs4.element.Tag.select))

# Replace the relevant part of the method
start_token = "if pseudo_type == 'nth-of-type':"
end_token = "else"
replacement = """\
if pseudo_type == 'nth-of-type':
        if pseudo_value in ("even", "odd"):
            pseudo_value = int(pseudo_value)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Only numeric values, "even" and "odd" are currently '
            'supported for the nth-of-type pseudo-class.')
    if isinstance(pseudo_value, int) and pseudo_value < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'nth-of-type pseudo-class value must be at least 1.')
    class Counter(object):
        def __init__(self, destination):
            self.count = 0
            self.destination = destination

        def nth_child_of_type(self, tag):
            self.count += 1
            if pseudo_value == "even":
                return not bool(self.count % 2)
            elif pseudo_value == "odd":
                return bool(self.count % 2)
            elif self.count == self.destination:
                return True
            elif self.count > self.destination:
                # Stop the generator that's sending us
                # these things.
                raise StopIteration()
            return False
    checker = Counter(pseudo_value).nth_child_of_type
new_src = replace_code_lines(src, start_token, end_token, replacement)

# Compile it and execute it in the target module's namespace
exec(new_src, bs4.element.__dict__)
# Monkey patch the target method
bs4.element.Tag.select = bs4.element.select


This is the portion of code being modified.


Of course, this is everything but elegant and reliable. I don't envision this being seriously used anywhere, ever.
