


I'm exploring into drawing pixels and lines, using Memory-Mapped Graphics. I'm using TASM in Textpad, in Windows. When I click run the whole screen turns blue and that's it, no pixels drawn.

.model small

saveMode db ?
xVal dw ?
yVal dw ?

main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

call SetVideoMode
call SetScreenBackground        
call Draw_Some_Pixels
call RestoreVideoMode

mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
main endp

SetScreenBackground proc
    mov dx, 3c8h
    mov al, 0
    out dx, al

    mov dx, 3c9h
    mov al, 0
    out dx, al

    mov al, 0
    out dx, al
    mov al, 35
    out dx, al
SetScreenBackground endp 

SetVideoMode proc
    mov ah, 0fh
    int 10h
    mov saveMode, al

    mov ah, 0
    mov al, 13h
    int 10h

    push 0A00h
    pop es
SetVideoMode endp

RestoreVideoMode proc
    mov ah, 10h
    int 16h

    mov ah, 0
    mov al, saveMode
    int 10h
RestoreVideoMode endp

Draw_Some_Pixels proc
    mov dx, 3c8h
    mov al, 1
    out dx, al

    mov dx, 3c9h
    mov al, 63
    out dx, al
    mov al, 63
    out dx, al
    mov al, 63
    out dx, al

    mov xVal, 160
    mov yVal, 100

    mov ax, 320
    mul yVal
    add ax, xVal

    mov cx, 10
    mov di, ax

        mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1

        add di, 5
    Loop DP1

Draw_Some_Pixels endp


问题似乎出在视频模式13h 与之关联.

The issue seems to be with the segment that video mode 13h is associated with.


SetVideoMode proc
    mov ah, 0fh
    int 10h
    mov saveMode, al

    mov ah, 0
    mov al, 13h             ; Video mode 13h
    int 10h

    push 0A00h              ; Incorrect should be 0A000h
    pop es
SetVideoMode endp

视频模式13h将以0A000h:0的segment:offset(在您的情况下为 ES:0 )寻址. 0A000h:0是物理地址(0A000h<< 4)+ 0 = 0A0000h.

Video mode 13h would be addressed with a segment:offset (ES:0 in your case) of 0A000h:0. 0A000h:0 would be physical address (0A000h << 4) + 0 = 0A0000h.


The code could be fixed by changing it to:

    push 0A000h
    pop es


09-25 14:27