


I recently got a computer with several cores and am learning to use parallel computing. I'm fairly proficient with lapply and was told parLapply works very similarly. I'm not operating it correctly though. It seems I have to explicitly put everything inside the parLapply to make it work (that is functions to be use, variables etc.). With lapply it reads from the parent environment and parLapply does not seem to do this. So in my example below I could make everything work by placing all info inside parLapply but if I use this inside a user defined function I can't explicitly put text.var inside of parLapply.

text.var <- rep("I like cake and ice cream so much!", 20)
ntv <- length(text.var)
gc.rate <- 10

pos <-  function(i) {
    paste(sapply(strsplit(tolower(i), " "), nchar), collapse=" | ")

lapply(seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
        x <- pos(text.var[i])
        if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()


#doesn't work
cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 4))
parLapply(cl, seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
        x <- pos(text.var[i])
        if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()


#does work but have to specify all the stuff inside parLapply
cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 4))
parLapply(cl, seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
        ######stuff I have to put inside parLapply##########
        text.var <- rep("I like cake and ice cream so much!", 20)
        ntv <- length(text.var)
        gc.rate <- 10
        pos <-  function(i) {
            paste(sapply(strsplit(tolower(i), " "), nchar), collapse=" | ")
        ######stuff I have to put inside parLapply##########
        x <- pos(text.var[i])
        if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()

如何将text.varntvgc.ratepos传递给parLapply而不显式地将它们放入内部? (我想您会以某种方式将它们作为列表传递)

How can I pass text.var, ntv, gc.rate, and pos to parLapply without explicitly putting them inside? (I'm guessing you pass them as a list somehow)

PS Windows 7机器,所以我需要使用parLapply我认为

PS windows 7 machine so I need to use parLapply I think



You need to export those variables to the other R processes in the cluster:

cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 4))
clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("text.var", "ntv", "gc.rate", "pos"))


09-25 11:47