



my $list = [[1,2,3],[[4,5],6,7]];

say $list.deepmap( *² ); # [[1 4 9] [[16 25] 36 49]]
say $list.duckmap( *² ); # [9 9]

deepmap 的行为与预期的差不多,但是我真的无法理解duckmap在做什么.

deepmap behaves pretty much as expected, but I can't really make any sense of what duckmap is doing.

此问题与此问题在perl6/doc 中有关.可以用它们之间没有更多不同"来解决,但是我想找到一些示例,说明它们在哪里做同样的事情,而在不这样做的情况下,请尝试真正了解正在发生的事情.

This question is related to this issue in perl6/doc. It can be solved with "They couldn't be more different", but I would like to find some examples where they do the same, and when they don't, try and understand really what's going on.


duckmap中的 duck duck-typing ;那就是如果它走路像鸭子,说话像鸭子,那一定是鸭子."

The duck in duckmap refers to duck-typing; that is "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck."

> say [1,2.2,"3.4",4,"a"].duckmap(-> Str $_ { use fatal; .Int }).perl
[1, 2.2, 3, 4, "a"]

(use fatal在那里,因此"a".Int失败对象成为引发的异常,因此duckmap会捕获该异常并返回原始数据)

(use fatal is there so that the "a".Int failure object becomes a thrown exception, so that duckmap catches it and returns the original data instead)


This is useful for changing small portions of the input without having to specially deal with every possible input.

> say [1,2.2,"3.4",4,"a"].map(-> $_ { $_ ~~ Str ?? .Int // .self !! .self }).perl
[1, 2.2, 3, 4, "a"]
> say [1,2.2,"3.4",4,"a"].deepmap(-> $_ { $_ ~~ Str ?? .Int // .self !! .self }).perl
[1, 2.2, 3, 4, "a"]


There are more differences between duckmap and the other maps, but they all are there for this basic premise.

> [ [<a b c>], [1,2,3], [[4,5,6],] ].duckmap(-> @_ where .all ~~ Int { @_.Str } ).perl
[["a", "b", "c"], "1 2 3", ["4 5 6"]]

> [ [<a b c>], [1,2,3], [[4,5,6],] ].map(-> @_ { @_.all ~~ Int ?? @_.Str !! @_.self } ).Array.perl
[["a", "b", "c"], "1 2 3", [[4, 5, 6],]] # doesn't match, as map is one level deep


(Note that you can't do the above at all with deepmap, as it goes too deep)
In order to get the same behaviour out of map, would require potentially much more work.


09-25 11:33