

我有一个形状为 570000 * 3000 的稀疏矩阵.我尝试 nima 进行NMF(使用默认的nmf方法,并将max_iter设置为65).但是,我发现nimfa非常慢.有没有人使用更快的库来做NMF?

I have a sparse matrix whose shape is 570000*3000. I tried nima to do NMF (using the default nmf method, and set max_iter to 65). However, I found nimfa very slow. Have anyone used a faster library to do NMF?


我使用了 之前.它是用C编写的,非常快. 论文记录了算法和代码

I have used libNMF before. It's written in C and is very fast. There is a paper documenting the algorithm and code.


The paper also lists several alternative packages for NMF (in bunch of different languages (which I have copied here for future reference).

09-25 07:36