本文介绍了Prothon 0.1.2接近Alpha [Prothon]的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 Prothon很高兴地宣布该语言的另一个主要版本, 版本0.1.2,在 http://prothon.org 。 此版本增加了许多新功能并展示了成熟度 普罗森已经到了。下一个版本将在每月大约 之后发布,这将是第一个包含最终版本的冻结版本和/或 Prothon 1.0语言功能的版本,将是Alpha版本。您可以在新的Prothon WIKI看到 仍然在讨论1.0的功能组合 at: http://prothon.org/wiki 。 此列表不仅很长,而且更改主要是主要功能。 版本0.1.2的变化.... - print现在是一个函数,而不是关键字 - 函数即命令功能允许在没有填充的情况下使用打印 - 使用通配符添加prop关键字和属性功能 - 将del_更改为final_所以属性可以使用get_,set_,& del_ - a + = b类型的赋值现在总是a = a + b - 新的就地修改运算符a +! b,a - ! b,a *! b等等。 - 现在在呼叫时评估的正式参数默认值 - 字符串现在存储有本机24位序数值 - 将String String类型拆分为单独的String和Bytes(二进制)类型 - 将文件拆分为文件和TextFile - 用String.fmt替换字符串%运算符() - 添加了cmp_和eq_?对于长度为1的字符串和Ints - 添加了面向对象的目录对象和方法 - 添加了TempDir和TempFile(在关机时删除) - 添加了基本的DateTime对象 - 在obj修改时添加了带回调功能的WeakRef对象 - 添加了Slice对象 - getItem_,setItem_和delItem_现在允许任何对象索引 - 现在在关闭时调用终结 - 添加了内置range()生成器(不是列表函数) - 添加了List(iter_)构造函数 - 八进制常量格式从0377变为0o377 - 八进制esc序列从\ 0377更改为\o377 - 除了关键字不再单独使用,必须使用除了异常 - 除了语法从除了exc,var之外更改来自除了作为var的消息 - 函数形式参数现在可以通过简单的属性进行内省 - * fgs中的args param局部变量现在是一个元组,而不是列表 - 在字典功能键参数中添加了不可变检查 - 添加了Dict.len_和Dict.bool_? - 将文件从扩展模块移动到内置-in - 将File.stdxxx更改为sys.stdIn,sys.stdOut和sys.stdErr - 将Len,Cmp,len,cmp,chr,ord更改为 len,cmp,len_,cmp_,chr_,ord_ - 将Sys更改为sys,将sys.ps1,sys.ps2更改为sys.cons.ps1, sys.cons.ps2 - 将SQLite更改为sqlite,将操作系统更改为操作系统,重新设置为 - 从反引号更改符号前缀(`var)到美元符号($ var) - 从>>>更改了控制台提示符到O>> - 添加了许多新的* .pr测试文件 - 修正了raise关键字所以第二个arg是doc_属性的第一个 - 修复了打印递归容器时的崩溃,现在打印... - 修正了从序列到arg列表和语句的分配 - 修复了在控制台中的导入 - 修正了Func构造函数中的错误 - 修正了string.rstrip,string.strip和string.find中的错误 Prothon是一种解释性的动态语言来自Python,但是与Python不兼容,因为它使用更简单的原型而不是 类。 Prothon是一种工业级语言,它使用本机OS 线程和64位架构。有关Prothon的描述,请参阅 教程 http://prothon.org/wiki?pagename=TutorialHomePage 。 Mark Hahn email:prothon.org上的标记 Prothon is pleased to announce another major release of the language,version 0.1.2, build 710 at http://prothon.org. This release adds many new features and demonstrates the level of maturitythat Prothon has reached. The next release after this one in approximatelya month will be the first release to incorporate the final set of frozenProthon 1.0 language features and will be the Alpha release. You can seethe set of features still under discussion for 1.0 at the new Prothon WIKIat: http://prothon.org/wiki. This list is not only long but the changes are mostly major features. Changes in version 0.1.2.... - print is now a function, not a keyword- function-as-command feature allows print to be used without parens- Added prop keyword and properties feature with wildcards- Changed del_ to final_ so properties could use get_, set_, & del_- a += b type assignments now always do a = a + b- New in-place modify operators a +! b, a -! b, a *! b, etc.- Formal parameter default values now evaluated at call time- String now stored with native 24-bit ordinal values- Split String type into seperate String and Bytes (binary) types- Split File into File and TextFile- Replaced String % operator with String.fmt()- Added cmp_ and eq_? for strings of length 1 and Ints- Added object-oriented Directory object and methods- Added TempDir and TempFile (deleted at shutdown)- Added basic DateTime object- Added WeakRef object with callback feature on obj modification- Added Slice object- getItem_, setItem_, and delItem_ now allow any object indexing- Finalization now called on shutdown- Added built-in range() generator (not list function)- Added List(iter_) constructor- Octal constant format changed from 0377 to 0o377- Octal esc sequence changed from \0377 to \o377- except keyword no longer allowed alone, must use "except Exception"- except syntax changed from "except exc, var" to "except exc as var"- Function formal params now introspectable via simple attribute- *args param local variable in func is now a tuple, not a list- Added immutable check to dictionary function key parameter- Added Dict.len_ and Dict.bool_?- Moved File from extension module to built-in- Changed File.stdxxx to sys.stdIn, sys.stdOut, and sys.stdErr- changed Len, Cmp, len, cmp, chr, ord tolen, cmp, len_, cmp_, chr_, ord_- changed Sys to sys, changed sys.ps1, sys.ps2 to sys.cons.ps1,sys.cons.ps2- Changed SQLite to sqlite, OS to os, Re to re- Change symbol prefix from backtick (`var) to dollar-sign ($var)- Changed console prompt from >>> to O>>- Added many new *.pr test files- Fixed raise keyword so second arg is doc_ attribute of first- Fixed crash on printing recursive containers, now prints ...- Fixed assignment from sequences to arg lists and for statements- Fixed import in console- Fixed bug in Func constructor- Fixed bug in string.rstrip, string.strip, and string.findProthon is an interpreted dynamic language that takes much from Python butis not compatible with Python as it uses the simpler prototypes instead ofclasses. Prothon is an industrial strength language that uses native OSthreads and 64-bit architecture. For a description of Prothon see thetutorial at http://prothon.org/wiki?pagename=TutorialHomePage. Mark Hahnemail: mark at prothon.org推荐答案 var) - 从>>>更改了控制台提示符到O>> - 添加了许多新的* .pr测试文件 - 修正了raise关键字所以第二个arg是doc_属性的第一个 - 修复了打印递归容器时的崩溃,现在打印... - 修正了从序列到arg列表和语句的分配 - 修复了在控制台中的导入 - 修正了Func构造函数中的错误 - 修正了string.rstrip,string.strip和string.find中的错误 Prothon是一种解释性的动态语言来自Python,但是与Python不兼容,因为它使用更简单的原型而不是 类。 Prothon是一种工业级语言,它使用本机OS 线程和64位架构。有关Prothon的描述,请参阅 教程 http://prothon.org/wiki?pagename=TutorialHomePage 。 Mark Hahn email:prothon.org上的标记 var)- Changed console prompt from >>> to O>>- Added many new *.pr test files- Fixed raise keyword so second arg is doc_ attribute of first- Fixed crash on printing recursive containers, now prints ...- Fixed assignment from sequences to arg lists and for statements- Fixed import in console- Fixed bug in Func constructor- Fixed bug in string.rstrip, string.strip, and string.findProthon is an interpreted dynamic language that takes much from Python butis not compatible with Python as it uses the simpler prototypes instead ofclasses. Prothon is an industrial strength language that uses native OSthreads and 64-bit architecture. For a description of Prothon see thetutorial at http://prothon.org/wiki?pagename=TutorialHomePage. Mark Hahnemail: mark at prothon.org Mark Hahn写道: Mark Hahn wrote: Prothon是一种使用本机OS 线程和64位架构的工业级语言。 Prothon is an industrial strength language that uses native OS threads and 64-bit architecture. 马克,作为拥有行业的人透视,我解释说工业实力这个词是工业实力。这意味着两件事**,主要是: 功率和可靠性。 Prothon是否已经拥有足够的用户和运行时来证明 声称它非常可靠?我相信Python可以在这一点上相当容易地做出这个 索赔,不过几年前 我不确定是不是这样。 _you_是什么意思工业实力? -Peter **也就是说,当我不认为这只是一个说话的时候。 我知道Mark并不是一个marketroid,尽管名字中有相似的 。 ;-) Mark, as someone with an "industry" perspective, I interpretthe phrase "industrial strength" as meaning two things**, primarily:power and reliability. Does Prothon already have enough users and runtime to justify aclaim that it is highly reliable? I believe Python can make thisclaim fairly easily at this point, though even a few years agoI''m not sure that was the case. What do _you_ mean by "industrial strength"? -Peter ** That is, when I don''t think it''s just a marketroid talking.I know Mark isn''t a marketroid, in spite of the similarityin the names. ;-) Peter Hansen写道:Peter Hansen wrote: Mark Hahn写道: Mark Hahn wrote: Prothon是一个工业使用本机OS 线程和64位架构的强度语言。 Prothon is an industrial strength language that uses native OS threads and 64-bit architecture. 标记,作为具有行业的人。从视角来看,我解释了工业实力这个词。这意味着两件事**,主要是:电源和可靠性。 Prothon是否已经拥有足够的用户和运行时来证明它是非常可靠的?我相信Python可以在这一点上相当容易地做出这个声明,不过几年前我不确定是不是这样。 _you_是什么意思通过工业实力? Mark, as someone with an "industry" perspective, I interpret the phrase "industrial strength" as meaning two things**, primarily: power and reliability. Does Prothon already have enough users and runtime to justify a claim that it is highly reliable? I believe Python can make this claim fairly easily at this point, though even a few years ago I''m not sure that was the case. What do _you_ mean by "industrial strength"? 我理解您的担忧。 我的意思是它的设计是工业实力它完成了。 架构/基础是从头开始构建的。我是 也做了一些评论,它将比工程实力更强大。 Python。 和是的,我是一个营销力量。 :-) 我敢肯定每个人都可以从其他地方的技术要点告诉他们这样的营销声明 。我明确表示它是pre-alpha。我在公告的顶部和最后的 传统地方的营销模糊中明确了它的状态 。我实际上试着在营销模糊之前想到一些子标题 但是我想不出它应该怎么说 说。 在上一次公告中,我忘记了标准模糊和几个人 通过电子邮件发送给我并给了我一些宣传的东西,而不是告诉我什么 它是在公告中。我不太擅长这个营销的东西。 :-( I understand your concern. I meant it is designed to be industrial strength when it is finished. Thearchitecture/foundation is built from the ground up with that in mind. I''malso making a bit of a comment that it will be more industrial strength thanPython. And yes, I am a marketing force of one. :-) I''m sure everyone can tell marketing claims like this from technical pointsmade elsewhere. I make it clear that it is pre-alpha. I made its statusclear at the top of the announcement and the marketing blurb at thetraditional place at the end. I actually tried to think of some sub-headingto put before the marketing blurb but I couldn''t think of what it shouldsay. In the last announcement I forgot the standard blurb and several peopleemailed me and gave me flack for announcing something and not telling whatit was in the announcement. I''m not very good at this marketing stuff. :-( 这篇关于Prothon 0.1.2接近Alpha [Prothon]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-25 03:43