我听说谣言Python正在走向没有标签,期间。为什么不只是 简化每个人的生活,并为Prothon做同样的事情,并在过去留下 整个问题。在一年之内,无论如何都没有人会抱怨他们心爱的标签。 (哦......不会再发生另一场火焰战争了开始?:-)我想我会 跳过它...我只是想提出第一点。并且应该 已经停在那里。) -Peter I''ve (thankfully) missed all the Prothon-related wars about indentation,clearly, but I have to ask, isn''t this "solution" rather ill-conceivedstill? What about copy-and-paste from one file (which was done with spaces)to another which is using tabs? Kind of puts a crimp in one''s stylethere, I would think... Just a thought. I heard a rumour Python is heading for "no tabs", period. Why not justsimplify everyone''s life and do the same for Prothon, and leave thewhole darned issue in the past. In a year no one will be complainingabout their beloved tabs anyway... (Oooh... won''t that get another flame war started? :-) I think I''llskip it... I just wanted to make the first point. And should probablyhave stopped there.) -Peter 是的(巨大的笑声)。 Yeah right (giant laugh). 这篇关于需要缩进测试员(Prothon)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-25 03:42