
打开回显:rem @echo off,再运行find_java.bat,若输出的set java_exe=同jdk安装路径不符,则需要检查环境变量JAVA_HOME和PATH中java.exe是否设置正确,其逻辑在于android/platform/sdk/find_java/src/source/find_java_lib.cpp中的函数findJavaInEnvPath:

// Search java.exe in the environment
int findJavaInEnvPath(CPath *outJavaPath, bool isJdk, int minVersion) {
SetLastError(0); const char* envPath = getenv("JAVA_HOME");
if (envPath != NULL) {
CPath p(envPath); if (!isJdk || isJdkPath(p)) {
int v = checkBinPath(&p);
if (v >= minVersion) {
if (gIsDebug) {
fprintf(stderr, "Java %d found via JAVA_HOME: %s\n", v, p.cstr());
*outJavaPath = p;
// As an optimization for runtime, if we find a suitable java
// version in JAVA_HOME we won't waste time looking at the PATH.
return v;
} int currVersion = 0;
envPath = getenv("PATH");
if (!envPath) return currVersion; // Otherwise look at the entries in the current path.
// If we find more than one, keep the one with the highest version. CArray<CString> *paths = CString(envPath).split(';');
for(int i = 0; i < paths->size(); i++) {
CPath p((*paths)[i].cstr()); if (isJdk && !isJdkPath(p)) {
} int v = checkPath(&p);
if (v >= minVersion && v > currVersion) {
if (gIsDebug) {
fprintf(stderr, "Java %d found via env PATH: %s\n", v, p.cstr());
} currVersion = v;
*outJavaPath = p;
} delete paths;
return currVersion;


若环境变量中java.exe设置无误,则检查批处理find_java.bat是否有误,这是因为SDK Manager.exe源码android/platform/sdk/sdklauncher/src/source/sdklauncher.c显示其是调用android-sdk-windows\tools\android.bat

int sdk_launcher() {
int result = 0;
CHAR program_dir[MAX_PATH];
int ret, pos; ZeroMemory(&pinfo, sizeof(pinfo)); ZeroMemory(&startup, sizeof(startup));
startup.cb = sizeof(startup);
startup.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE|SW_MINIMIZE; /* get path of current program, to switch dirs here when executing the command. */
ret = GetModuleFileName(NULL, program_dir, sizeof(program_dir));
if (ret == 0) {
display_error("Failed to get program's filename:");
result = 1;
} else {
/* Remove the last segment to keep only the directory. */
pos = ret - 1;
while (pos > 0 && program_dir[pos] != '\\') {
program_dir[pos] = 0;
} if (!result) {
dprintf("Program dir: %s\n", program_dir); // SDK Manager.exe is installed by the Windows Installer just below
// the tools directory and needs to access tools\android.bat
ret = CreateProcess(
NULL, /* program path */
"tools\\android.bat sdk", /* command-line */
NULL, /* process handle is not inheritable */
NULL, /* thread handle is not inheritable */
TRUE, /* yes, inherit some handles */
CREATE_NO_WINDOW, /* we don't want a console */
NULL, /* use parent's environment block */
program_dir, /* use parent's starting directory */
&startup, /* startup info, i.e. std handles */
&pinfo); if (!ret) {
dprintf("CreateProcess returned %d\n", ret); // In the ADT bundle, SDK Manager.exe is located in the sdk folder
// and needs to access sdk\tools\android.bat
ret = CreateProcess(
NULL, /* program path */
"sdk\\tools\\android.bat sdk", /* command-line */
NULL, /* process handle is not inheritable */
NULL, /* thread handle is not inheritable */
TRUE, /* yes, inherit some handles */
CREATE_NO_WINDOW, /* we don't want a console */
NULL, /* use parent's environment block */
program_dir, /* use parent's starting directory */
&startup, /* startup info, i.e. std handles */
} dprintf("CreateProcess returned %d\n", ret); if (!ret) {
display_error("Failed to execute tools\\android.bat:");
result = 1;
} dprintf("Cleanup.\n"); return result;
05-01 05:26