

情况:Access 2007 Service Pack 2.  DataSheet视图中包含组合框的表单。  如果RowSource包含查询,则会出现此错误:  "查询中的语法错误。 不完整的查询条款"在两种情况下:  1)当我

Situation: Access 2007 Service Pack 2.  A form in DataSheet view which contains a combobox.   If the RowSource contains a query, I get this error:  "Syntax error in Query.  Incomplete query clause" in two cases:  1) when I click the column header to sort and 2) when I click the Filter button in the Ribbon.



SQL语句是:   ;

SELECT [tblEmployee]。[LastName]& IIf(Nz([tblEmployee]。[FirstName])="","",",")& [tblEmployee]。[FirstName] AS FullName,tblCompany.CompanyName,tblEmployee.EmployeeID

FROM tblCompany RIGHT JOIN tblEmployee ON tblCompany.CompanyID = tblEmployee.CompanyID

ORDER BY [tblEmployee ]。[LastName]& IIf(Nz([tblEmployee]。[FirstName])="","",",")& [tblEmployee]。[FirstName],tblCompany.CompanyName;

这对我来说就像是一个错误。 其他人遇到过这个吗?
I can click the A to Z, Z to A sort buttons in the Ribbon and sort without getting that error.
The workaround I found was to put an SQL statement in the RowSource property.
The SQL statement is:  
SELECT [tblEmployee].[LastName] & IIf(Nz([tblEmployee].[FirstName])="","",", ") & [tblEmployee].[FirstName] AS FullName, tblCompany.CompanyName, tblEmployee.EmployeeID
FROM tblCompany RIGHT JOIN tblEmployee ON tblCompany.CompanyID = tblEmployee.CompanyID
ORDER BY [tblEmployee].[LastName] & IIf(Nz([tblEmployee].[FirstName])="","",", ") & [tblEmployee].[FirstName], tblCompany.CompanyName;

This looks like a bug to me.  Anyone else encounter this?



Did you include some funny formatting characters in the SQL statement of the query? Paste it into Notepad, remove any CRLFs, and paste it back. Run it by itself.

< speculation>



09-24 17:37