





int temp = 0;

for(int i = 0; i< ; lastNum; i ++)


for(int j = i + 1; j< lastNum; j ++)


if(freqArray [i]> freqArray [j])


temp = freqArray [i];

freqArray [i] = freqArray [j];

freqArray [j] = temp;



lblOutDigits.Text = freqArray [i] .ToString();



Hi I am new on this forum and also just started with c#, I am trying to write some program where you have dynamically allocated buttons stored in an array and every time u click on a button it show you number of a button in a label. also I needed to update the frequency of clicked buttons and at the end to sort them from smallest to largest buy clicking on one button. So I cant use sort method I only can use nested for loops.
This is my code so far and every time I click on button for sorting it gives me only one number??
Thank you

lstNum is a number of allocated buttons and freqArray is an array of buttons, and lbl.Out.Digits is label where number of clicked button appear and there I need to display sorted list of clicked buttons.

int temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lastNum; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < lastNum; j++)
if (freqArray[i] > freqArray[j])
temp = freqArray[i];
freqArray[i] = freqArray[j];
freqArray[j] = temp;


lblOutDigits.Text = freqArray[i].ToString();



09-24 16:37