


I used to work with a cluster using SLURM scheduler, but now I am more or less forced to switch to a SGE-based cluster, and I'm trying to get a hang of it. The thing I was working on SLURM system involves running an executable using N input files, and set a SLURM configuration file in this fashion,

slurmConf.conf SLURM configuration file
    0   /path/to/exec /path/to/input1
    1   /path/to/exec /path/to/input2
    2   /path/to/exec /path/to/input3
    3   /path/to/exec /path/to/input4
    4   /path/to/exec /path/to/input5
    5   /path/to/exec /path/to/input6
    6   /path/to/exec /path/to/input7
    7   /path/to/exec /path/to/input8
    8   /path/to/exec /path/to/input9
    9   /path/to/exec /path/to/input10


And my working submission script in SLURM contains this line;

srun -n $SLURM_NNODES --multi-prog $slconf
$slconf refers to a path to that configuration file


This setup worked as I wanted - to run the executable with 10 different inputs at the same time with 10 nodes. Now that I just transitioned to SGE system, I want to do the same thing but I tried to read the manual and found nothing quite like SLURM. Could you please give me some light on how to achieve the same thing on SGE system?



您可以使用Grid Engine的作业数组"功能.

You could use the "job array" feature of the Grid Engine.


Create a shell script sge_job.sh

# sge_job.sh -- SGE job description script
#$ -t 1-10
/path/to/exec /path/to/input$SGE_TASK_ID


And submit this script to SGE with qsub.

qsub sge_job.sh


09-23 22:03