我想在我在Windows上运行的C ++项目中使用cpp-netlib库。
我已严格按照到Getting CMake部分,这是
我停止理解该指令的地方。 CMake确实是非强制性的吗?如果是,需要哪些确切步骤,以便我可以在我的项目中使用该库?
/ p>
中转储cpp-netlib-0.9.4的目录 cd ..
mkdir cpp-netlib-build
cd cpp-netlib-build
cmake.exe -GVisual Studio 10-DBOOST_ROOT:string =C:\Dev\\ \\Boost\boost_1_51_0../cpp-netlib-0.9.4
I want to use the cpp-netlib library in a C++ project of mine running on Windows. I've strictly followed the instructions under http://cpp-netlib.github.com/getting_started.html up to the "Getting CMake" section, which is whereI stopped understanding the instruction. Is CMake indeed non-obligatory? If so, what are the exact steps required so I can use the library in my projects?
If someone could provide me with instructions here, or refer me to a detailed guide it'd begreat. Google didn't help me that much.
Same problem here:
I got it going with
From the directory I dumped cpp-netlib-0.9.4 in
cd ..
mkdir cpp-netlib-build
cd cpp-netlib-build
cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 10" -DBOOST_ROOT:string="C:\Dev\Boost\boost_1_51_0" ../cpp-netlib-0.9.4
(Your paths may vary)This populates the cpp-netlib-build directory with a VS10 solution and projects.
这篇关于在Windows下的C ++项目中使用cpp-netlib的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!