我找不到有关实体服务和服务路径的详细文档,最好的是《 Orion用户手册》中的本部分
I could not find detailed documentation about Entity Service and Service Path, this is best i could find is this section in the Orion User Manual
I would like to retrieve a "Fiware-ServicePath" for a specific Entity_ID but NGSI10 does not provide that information using queryContext.
Is there a way of retrieving this information ?
这里描述了我的流程,除了使用EntityID获取ServicePath 部分之外,其他所有功能都可以正常工作:
My process is described here, everything is working except the the Get ServicePath using EntityID part:
- 网关正在将数据推送到Orion中,我想进行更新或插入过程":
- 使用EntityID获取ServicePath
- 如果存在:请更新
- 如果不存在:带有ServicePath'/NewItems'的updatecontext
- A gateway is pushing data into Orion and i would like to make to "update or insert procedure":
- Get ServicePath using EntityID
- IF exists: update it
- If not exists: updatecontext with ServicePath '/NewItems'
As a workaround, I would add the ServicePath into some metadata...
Fiware-ServicePath: /NewItems
添加到查询请求中,以检查实体是否在该服务路径中.您还可以添加逗号分隔的列表,例如Fiware-ServicePath: /NewItems1, /NewItems2
.You can add
Fiware-ServicePath: /NewItems
to the query request in order to check if the entity is in that service path or not. You can also add a comma-separated list, e.g.Fiware-ServicePath: /NewItems1, /NewItems2
This approach would work except if the entity can be in any service path (even diffent to the "/NewItems" that is going to be use to create entity failing the existence checking) and you don't know them in advance.
In that case, the workaround by the moment is as you say, to store the service path associated to the entity, although my recomendation is to use an entity attribute for that, not a metadata (note that in NGSI metadata are associated to attributes, not entity themselves).
- Get ServicePath using EntityID
- 使用EntityID获取ServicePath