。我必须以某种方式"打开" edays(虽然我不记得我是怎么做到的)。现在我只是想关闭edays并让一切都在几天内出现。我该如何改变?所有任务持续时间都在"天"内。这只是我遇到麻烦的
I can't figure out how to switch lag time durations from edays back to regular work days. I have a large Project schedule where everything, including lags, was entered in regular work days. However now anytime I enter a lag duration it automatically appears in edays. I must have somehow "turned on" edays (although I don't remember how I did that). Now I just want to turn off edays and have everything appear in days. How do I make this change? All task durations are in "days" it's just the lag durations that I'm having trouble with.
Thanks for your help!