

Zipf概率分布通常用于对文件进行建模P2P系统中项目的大小分布或项目访问分布.例如"Web缓存和Zip之类的分发证据和含义" ,但都不是提升 GSL(Gnu科学图书馆)提供了一种使用此分布生成随机数的实现.我没有找到使用常见搜索引擎的(可信赖的)实现.

The Zipf probability distribution is often used to model file size distribution or item access distributions on items in P2P systems. e.g. "Web Caching and Zip like Distribution Evidence and Implications", but neither Boost or the GSL (Gnu Scientific Library) provide an implementation to generate random numbers using this distribution. I have not found a (trustworthy) implementation using the common search engines.



zipfR 是使用R实现的免费开源库. VGAM 是另一个R还实现Zipf的软件包.

zipfR is a free and open source library implemented with R. VGAM is another R package that also implements Zipf.

还值得注意的是, Gnu科学图书馆实现 .org/wiki/Pareto_distribution"rel =" noreferrer>帕累托分布实际上是离散Zipf分布的连续模拟.

It's also worth noting that the Gnu Scientific Library has an implementation of the Pareto distribution which is effectively the continuous analogue of the discrete Zipf distribution.

此外,对于无限 N Zeta分布等同于Zipf >. GSL具有实现 Riemann zeta函数,因此您可以使用它自己构建发行版.

Also, the Zeta distribution is equivalent to Zipf for infinite N. The GSL has an implementation of the Riemann zeta function, so you could use that to construct the distribution yourself.


10-15 20:36