我有一个 ItemView,我在其中使用 clearSearch() 函数.我需要在另一个 ItemView 中调用相同的函数,因此为了保持干燥,我尝试调用 clearSearch(),但我没有工作.
I have one ItemView, where I use clearSearch() function. I need to call the same function in another ItemView, so to keep it DRY I tried to call clearSearch(), but i didn't work.
View.Panel = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: panelTpl,
events: {
'click .search_clear': 'clearSearch',
clearSearch: function() {
//some important actions
View.Pagination = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: paginationTpl,
events: {
'click .page': 'changePage'
changePage: function(e) {
//others important actions
我也尝试使用 View.Panel.clearSearch()
I also tried to use View.Panel.clearSearch()
, but I've got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (){return i.apply(this,arguments)}没有方法clearSearch"
define a global event bus:
Event.Dispatcher = _.clone(Backbone.Events);
View.Pagination = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: paginationTpl,
events: {
'click .page': 'changePage'
changePage: function(e) {
//notify page change event
Event.Dispatcher.trigger("pageChanged", [pass any data you want to pass]);
in your panel view, listen to this event, and define how to handle it.
View.Panel = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: panelTpl,
events: {
'click .search_clear': 'clearSearch',
initialize: function() {
//listen to that event
this.listenTo(Event.Dispatcher, 'pageChanged', this.clearSearch);
clearSearch: function() {
//some important actions
我对 Marionette 没有任何经验.使用 Marionette 可能有更简单的方法来实现这一点,但这是我在纯香草主干应用程序中一直使用的模式.
I don't have any experience with Marionette. There may be easier ways to implement this with Marionette, but this is the pattern I've been using in my pure vanilla backbone applications.
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