本文介绍了BizTalk 2010入站997路由错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我正在使用的系统中,BizTalk 2010将交易发送给贸易伙伴,我们收到997s.每次我们收到997时,我都会在管理控制台中看到路由错误.

In the system I'm working on, BizTalk 2010 sends out transactions to trading partners and we receive 997s. Every time we receive a 997, I'm seeing a routing error in the administration console.

在BizTalk 2006 R2中,EdiReceive管道接收到997个消息,对报告进行了更新(如果已启用),然后如果未定义任何显式订阅,则终止997.换句话说,997从未转发到消息框.

In BizTalk 2006 R2, 997s were received by the EdiReceive pipeline, the reports were updated (if enabled) and then the 997 was terminated if there weren't any explicit subscriptions defined. In other words, the 997 was never forwarded to the message box.

所以我的问题是,BizTalk 2010中新的贸易伙伴管理部分中是否有某些功能使其可以像以前那样工作,或者这是BizTalk 2010中的行为更改,现在我必须明确处理入站997?

So my question is, is there something in the new trading partner management piece in BizTalk 2010 that makes it work like it used to, or is this a behavior change in BizTalk 2010 and now I have to explicitly deal with inbound 997s?


是的,您需要配置发送端口以获取997 .....您需要使用BTS.MessageType == http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/X12#X12_997_Root .

Yes you need to configure send port to get 997.....you need to use BTS.MessageType == http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/X12#X12_997_Root.


This represents a behavior change from previous versions.

这篇关于BizTalk 2010入站997路由错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-23 03:46