



问题:由于我是VBA新手,我寻找现有的代码。我发现,并一直在尝试实施它的描述。首先,我复制了他的示例宏调用 ImportFixedWidth 函数并编辑它以反映我的每个数据字段的数量和长度。我调用该模块 TestImport

  Sub TestImport()
Dim L As Long
L = ImportFixedWidth(FileName:=/ Users / gitanjali / Desktop / CAC06075test.txt,_
StartCell:= Range(A1),_
IgnoreBlankLines:= False,_
SkipLinesBeginningWith:= vbNullString,_
FieldSpecs:=1,5 | 2,45 | 3,3 | 4,45 | 5,45 | 6,45 | 7,60 | 8,15 | 9 ,11 | 10,60 | _
11,60 | 12,10 | 13,5 | 14,5 | 15,3 | 16,3 | 17,3 | 18,3 | 19,11 | 20, 10 |
... 190,250 | 191,250)


然后,我尝试在工作簿中运行宏,但似乎不起作用 - 也就是说,ImportFixedWidth函数应该返回导入的记录数(如果它有效)或-1(如果没有)。当我从工作簿中运行TestImport时,没有返回任何 - 工作簿仍然为空。

调试:代码编译,当我通过 TestImport 或Module2代码时,我没有收到任何错误。

问题:我在调试方面的下一步失败了。我的实现有什么明显的错误,还是我试图运行宏?函数ImportFixedWidth(FileName As String,_
StartCell As Range,_
IgnoreBlankLines As Boolean,_
SkipLinesBeginningWith As String,_
ByVal FieldSpecs As String)As Long
''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'By Chip Pearson,[email protected] www.cpearson.com
'FileName是要导入的文件的名称。 StartCell是
'要导入的单元格。 IgnoreBlankLines
'。 SkipLinesBeginingWith表示
'注释的fpr。 FieldSpecs指示如何
'1,8 | 9,3 | 12,5
' 交叠。
'2,8 | 9,3,@ | 12,8,dddd dd-mmm-yyyy
'格式'dddd dd-mmm-yyyy'将应用于第12列。
'该函数调用ImportThisLine ,应该返回
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$'
Dim S As String
Dim RecCount As Long
Dim FieldInfos()As String
Dim FInfo()As String
Dim N As Long
Dim T As String
Dim B As Boolean

Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
错误GoTo EndOfFunction:

如果Dir(FileName,vbNormal)= vbNullString Then
ImportFixedWidth = -1

如果Len(FieldSpecs)< 3然后
ImportFixedWidth = -1

ImportFixedWidth = -1

设置R = StartCell(1,1)
C = R.Column
FNum = FreeFile

打开FileName输入访问Read As #FNum
FieldSpecs =替换(FieldSpecs,Space(1),vbNullString)
N = InStr(1,FieldSpecs,||,vbBinaryCompare)
直到N = 0
FieldSpecs =替换(FieldSpecs,||,|)
N = InStr(1,FieldSpecs,||,vbBinaryCompare)
N = InStr(1,FieldSpecs,,,,vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until N = 0
FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs,,,,,)
N = InStr(1,FieldSpecs,,,,vbBinaryCompare)

如果StrComp(Left(FieldSpecs,1),|,vbBinaryCompare)= 0然后
FieldSpecs = Mid(FieldSpecs,2)
End If
If StrComp(Right(FieldSpecs,1),|,vbBinaryCompare)= 0然后
FieldSpecs = Left(FieldSpecs,Len(FieldSpecs) - 1)
End If

如果SkipLinesBeginningWith<> vbNullString和_
如果Len(S)= 0然后
如果IgnoreBlankLines = False然后
设置R = R(2,1)
'do nothing
End If

如果FieldSpecs = vbNullString然后
如果ImportThisLine(S)= True然后
FieldInfos = Split(FieldSpecs,|)
C = R.Column
对于FINdx = LBound(FieldInfos )对于UBound(FieldInfos)
FInfo = Split(FieldInfos(FINdx),,)
R.EntireRow.Cells(1,C).Value = Mid(S,CLng(FInfo(0) ),CLng(FInfo(1)))
C = C + 1
RecCount = RecCount + 1
设置R = R(2 ,1)
End If
End If
'no skip first char
End If


如果Err.Number = 0然后
ImportFixedWidth = RecCount
ImportFixedWidth = -1
End If

私有函数ImportThisLine(S As String)As Boolean

Dim N As Long
Dim NoImportWords As Variant
Dim T As String
Dim L As Long

NoImportWords = Array(page,产品,xyz)
对于N = LBound(NoImportWords)到UBound(NoImportWords)
T = NoImportWords(N)
L = Len(T)
如果StrComp左(S,L),T,vbTextCompare)= 0然后
ImportThisLine = False
ImportThisLine = True



  FieldSpecs:=1,5 | 2,45 | 3,3 | 4,45 | 5,45 | 6,45 | 7.60 | 8.15 | 9.11 | 10,60 | _ 
11,60 | 12,10 | 13,5 | 14,5 | 15,3 | 16,3 | 17,3 | 18,3 | 19,11 | 20,10 |
... 190,250 | 191,250)


Chip Pearson在他的功能上有一个错误。

 如果SkipLinesBeginningWith< ;> vbNullString And _ 
SkipLinesBeginningWith 变量为空字符串,则$ p $


  • SkipLinesBeginningWith<> vbNullString 将为 False

  • StrComp(Left(Trim(S),Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)),SkipLinesBeginningWith,vbTextCompare)部分将返回 0 ,相当于 False


 如果SkipLinesBeginningWith = vbNullString或_ 
StrComp(Left(Trim S),Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)),_

I am new to VBA and hoping for some help implementing a user-defined function. I would really appreciate any help!

Context: I am trying to import a batch of fixed-width text files into separate Excel workbooks. The text files all have the same fields and format. I know the length of each field.

Issue: As I'm new to VBA, I looked for existing code. I found Chip Pearson's ImportFixedWidth function and have been trying to implement it per his description. First, I copied his example macro calling the ImportFixedWidth function and edited it to reflect the number and length of each of my data fields. I called that module TestImport.

Sub TestImport()
    Dim L As Long
    L = ImportFixedWidth(FileName:="/Users/gitanjali/Desktop/CAC06075test.txt", _
        StartCell:=Range("A1"), _
        IgnoreBlankLines:=False, _
        SkipLinesBeginningWith:=vbNullString, _
        FieldSpecs:="1,5|2,45|3,3|4,45|5,45|6,45|7,60|8,15|9,11|10,60| _
End Sub

Then, I copied his ImportFixedWidth code into another module (Module2, see code block at the end of this post).

I then tried to run the macro within the workbook, but it doesn't seem to work - that is, the function ImportFixedWidth should return either the number of records imported (if it works) or -1 (if it doesn't). When I run TestImport from the workbook, nothing is returned - the workbook remains blank.

Debugging: The code compiles, and I don't get any errors when I step through either the TestImport or Module2 code.

Question: I'm at a loss for next steps in terms of debugging. Are there any obvious errors in my implementation, or how I am trying to run the macro?

 Function ImportFixedWidth(FileName As String, _
    StartCell As Range, _
    IgnoreBlankLines As Boolean, _
    SkipLinesBeginningWith As String, _
    ByVal FieldSpecs As String) As Long
' ImportFixedWidth
' By Chip Pearson, [email protected] www.cpearson.com
' Date: 27-August-2011
' Compatible with 64-bit platforms.
' This function imports text from a fixed field width file.
' FileName is the name of the file to import. StartCell is
' the cell in which the import is to begin. IgnoreBlankLines
' indicates what to do with empty lines in the text file. If
' IgnoreBlankLines is False, an empty row will appear in the
' worksheet. If IgnoreBlankLines is True, no empty row will
' appear in the worksheet. SkipLinesBeginingWith indicates
' what character, if any, at the begining of the line indicates
' that the line should not be imported, such as fpr providing for
' comments within the text file. FieldSpecs indicates how to
' map the data into cells. It is a string of the format:
'           start,length|start,length|start,length...
' where each 'start' is the character position of the field
' in the text line and each 'length' is the length of the field.
' For example, if FieldSpecs is
'           1,8|9,3|12,5
' indicates the first field starting in position 1 for a
' length of 8, the second field starts in position 9 for a
' length of 3, and finally a field beginning in position 12
' for a length of 5. Fields can be in any order and may
' overlap.
' You can specify a number format for the field which will
' be applied to the worksheet cell. This format should not
' be in quotes and should follow the length element. For example,
'       2,8|9,3,@|12,8,dddd dd-mmm-yyyy
' This specifies that no formatting will be applied to column 2,
' the Text (literal) format will be applied to column 9, and
' the format 'dddd dd-mmm-yyyy' will be applied to column 12.
' The function calls ImportThisLine, which should return
' True to import the text from the file, or False to skip
' the current line.
' This function returns the number of records imported if
' successful or -1 if an error occurred.
Dim FINdx As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim R As Range
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim S As String
Dim RecCount As Long
Dim FieldInfos() As String
Dim FInfo() As String
Dim N As Long
Dim T As String
Dim B As Boolean

Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
On Error GoTo EndOfFunction:

If Dir(FileName, vbNormal) = vbNullString Then
    ' file not found
    ImportFixedWidth = -1
    Exit Function
End If

If Len(FieldSpecs) < 3 Then
    ' invalid FieldSpecs
    ImportFixedWidth = -1
    Exit Function
End If

If StartCell Is Nothing Then
    ImportFixedWidth = -1
    Exit Function
End If

Set R = StartCell(1, 1)
C = R.Column
FNum = FreeFile

Open FileName For Input Access Read As #FNum
' get rid of any spaces
FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, Space(1), vbNullString)
' omit double pipes ||
N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until N = 0
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, "||", "|")
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
' omit double commas
N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until N = 0
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, ",,", ",")
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)

' get rid of leading and trailing | characters, if necessary
If StrComp(Left(FieldSpecs, 1), "|", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    FieldSpecs = Mid(FieldSpecs, 2)
End If
If StrComp(Right(FieldSpecs, 1), "|", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    FieldSpecs = Left(FieldSpecs, Len(FieldSpecs) - 1)
End If

    ' read the file
    Line Input #FNum, S
    If SkipLinesBeginningWith <> vbNullString And _
            StrComp(Left(Trim(S), Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)), _
            SkipLinesBeginningWith, vbTextCompare) Then
        If Len(S) = 0 Then
            If IgnoreBlankLines = False Then
                Set R = R(2, 1)
                ' do nothing
            End If
            ' allow code to change the FieldSpecs values

            If FieldSpecs = vbNullString Then
                ' FieldSpecs is empty. Do nothing, don't import.
                If ImportThisLine(S) = True Then
                    FieldInfos = Split(FieldSpecs, "|")
                    C = R.Column
                    For FINdx = LBound(FieldInfos) To UBound(FieldInfos)
                        FInfo = Split(FieldInfos(FINdx), ",")
                        R.EntireRow.Cells(1, C).Value = Mid(S, CLng(FInfo(0)), CLng(FInfo(1)))
                        C = C + 1
                    Next FINdx
                    RecCount = RecCount + 1
                End If
                Set R = R(2, 1)
            End If
        End If
        ' no skip first char
    End If

Loop Until EOF(FNum)

If Err.Number = 0 Then
    ImportFixedWidth = RecCount
    ImportFixedWidth = -1
End If
Close #FNum
End Function

Private Function ImportThisLine(S As String) As Boolean

Dim N As Long
Dim NoImportWords As Variant
Dim T As String
Dim L As Long

NoImportWords = Array("page", "product", "xyz")
For N = LBound(NoImportWords) To UBound(NoImportWords)
    T = NoImportWords(N)
    L = Len(T)
    If StrComp(Left(S, L), T, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        ImportThisLine = False
        Exit Function
    End If
Next N
ImportThisLine = True
End Function

You have an error in your posted function at the lines saying

FieldSpecs:="1,5|2,45|3,3|4,45|5,45|6,45|7,60|8,15|9,11|10,60| _

because you can't have a continuation character within a String literal and still have it treated as a continuation character. As that would stop your code compiling, I assume that isn't like that in your actual code.

Chip Pearson has an error in his function. The lines saying

If SkipLinesBeginningWith <> vbNullString And _
   StrComp(Left(Trim(S), Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)), _
     SkipLinesBeginningWith, vbTextCompare) Then

will exclude all lines from processing if the SkipLinesBeginningWith variable is a null string because

  • SkipLinesBeginningWith <> vbNullString will be False, and
  • the StrComp(Left(Trim(S), Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)), SkipLinesBeginningWith, vbTextCompare) portion will return 0, which is equivalent to False.

It should actually be

If SkipLinesBeginningWith = vbNullString Or _
   StrComp(Left(Trim(S), Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)), _
      SkipLinesBeginningWith, vbTextCompare) Then


09-23 03:45