


I've been racking my brain over getting the syntax right on declaring, defining and finally calling a member function pointer inside my program.

我正在编写一个Xlib的窗口管理器,并试图使用户能够在 Keybind s向量中定义所有键绑定。 Keybind 结构包含更多成员变量,为简洁起见,在此省略了它们。

I'm writing a window manager with Xlib, and am trying to enable the user to define all key bindings in a vector of Keybinds. The Keybind struct contains more member variables, which I have left out here for the sake of brevity.


Here's what I've got so far.

Keybind ,一个包含成员变量的结构func ,它指向 MyClass 成员函数。

Keybind, a struct containing a member variable, func, that points to a MyClass member function.

struct MyBind {
    MyBind(void (MyClass::*_func)(const XKeyEvent&))
    : func(_func) {}

    void (MyClass::*func)(const XKeyEvent&);

向量的声明和填充包含用户定义的 Keybind s。

Declaration and populating of a vector that holds user-defined Keybinds.

// in my_class.hh
std::vector<MyBind*> my_binds_;

// in my_class.cc, constructor
my_binds_.push_back(new MyBind( &MyClass::do_this ));
my_binds_.push_back(new MyBind( &MyClass::do_that ));


At this point, everything compiles and runs.

现在,当我尝试通过遍历 my_binds _ 向量委派工作时,事情出了问题。值得注意的是,为了清楚起见,我省略了错误处理和其他成员变量访问。

Now, when I try to delegate work by iterating over the my_binds_ vector, things go wrong. It is worth noting that I've left out error handling and other member variable accesses for clarity.

MyClass::handle_input(const XKeyEvent& e)
    for (const MyBind* my_bind: my_binds_) {
        (my_bind->*func)(e); // erroneous line

此,但编译失败,并指出 error:'func在此范围内未声明' g ++ ,与 clang ++ 类似的错误)。

This should be the correct syntax, but it fails to compile, stating error: ‘func’ was not declared in this scope (g++, similar error from clang++).

这对我来说很奇怪,因为用 auto test = keybind-&f; func;替换了错误的代码行; 可以编译。

This is weird to me, as replacing the erroneous line of code with auto test = keybind->func; does compile.


What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to handle user key bind definitions? Thanks!



It would be best to use std::function and forget about raw member-function pointers altogether. They will only bring you pain :)


The problem with you code is that you only have a pointer to a method but no object. Your bind struct should also store an object pointer to call the method on:

struct MyBind {
    MyBind(MyClass *obj, void (MyClass::*_func)(const XKeyEvent&))
    : obj(obj), func(_func) {}

    MyClass *obj;
    void (MyClass::*func)(const XKeyEvent&);

    void operator()(const XKeyEvent& event) const


MyClass::handle_input(const XKeyEvent& e)
    for (const MyBind* my_bind: my_binds_) {

我在绑定结构中添加了一个调用运算符为了方便。请注意,-> * 运算符应用于该方法所属的对象

I've added a call operator to the bind struct for convenience. Note that the ->* operator is applied to the object the method belongs to.


09-23 00:44