![ttc ttc]()
本文介绍了如何在sqlserver中插入和计算ttc数量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 嗨朋友们, 我有三张桌子Countdown,Walk,Bon de reception Id_marche是倒计时表中的外键和 收据表包含Id_marche 我想在计数表中插入包含金额TTC的记录,以便计算金额TTC = TVA *金额HT 我有接待凭证表中的TVA和金额HT 我无法创建插入和计算金额的请求TTC 我不知道是我所描述的我的情况,但嘿,我将截图三个表,你会看到他们之间的关系 并提前谢谢你 我尝试了什么: Hi friends ,I have three table Countdown, Walk, Bon de receptionThe Id_marche is a foreign key in the countdown table andThe Receipt table contains the Id_marcheI want to insert in recordings in the counting table which contains Amount TTC so to calculate Amount TTC = TVA* Amount HTI have the TVA AND the Amount HT in the voucher table of receptionI could not create a request to insert and calculate the amount TTCI do not know is what I described well my condition but hey I will screenshot the three table and you will see the relationship between themAnd thank you for you in advanceWhat I have tried:insert into decompte (Id_marche,Num_decompte,Date_etablissement,Flag_dernier,Montant_ttc,Retenue_garantie,Penalite_retard,Revision_prix,Autres_retenues,Retenue_source,User_create,Date_create)values((select TOP 1 Id_marche from marche where Num_marche='"+textBox1.Text+"'),'"+textBox3.Text+"','"+dateTimePicker1.Value.Date+"','"+cocher+"',(select TOP 1 marche.Id_marche from marche , bon_reception_marche br ,decompte where br.Id_marche=marche.Id_marche and decompte.Montant_ttc=br.Montant*br.TVA),"+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+","+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+","+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+","+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+","+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+","+Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text)+",'"+values.username+"',DateTime.Now.Date) 推荐答案 DECLARE @Id_marche int = 8; INSERT INTO decompte(Id_marche,Montant_ttc) SELECT marche.Id_marche ,SUM(b.Montant)* SUM(b.TVA)为TTC 来自marche WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN bon_reception_marche b WITH(NOLOCK) ON marche.Id_marche = brm.Id_marche WHERE marche.Id_marche = @ Id_marche GROUP BY marche.Id_marche DECLARE @Id_marche int = 8;INSERT INTO decompte (Id_marche, Montant_ttc)SELECTmarche.Id_marche,SUM(b.Montant) * SUM(b.TVA) as TTCFROM marche WITH (NOLOCK)LEFT JOIN bon_reception_marche b WITH (NOLOCK)ON marche.Id_marche = brm.Id_marcheWHERE marche.Id_marche = @Id_marcheGROUP BY marche.Id_marche 这篇关于如何在sqlserver中插入和计算ttc数量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-22 21:28