

只需一个 javax.crypto.Cipher 的实例(例如 Cipher.getInstance(RSA))从多个线程使用,或者我需要在 ThreadLocal (在我的情况下)中保留多个?

Quite simply, can one instance of javax.crypto.Cipher (e.g. Cipher.getInstance("RSA")) be used from multiple threads, or do I need to stick multiple of them in a ThreadLocal (in my case)?


不,不是。实例是有状态的。所以你需要将它存储在threadlocal中,或者在每个加密/解密调用中获取一个新的实例,或者将它包装在一个 synchronized(cipher)块中。

No, it isn't. The instance is stateful. So you need to store it threadlocal, or to obtain a new instance on every encrypt/decrypt call, or to wrap it in a synchronized(cipher) block.

线程安全通常是在javadocs中提到。 ,所以你不应该认为它是线程安全的。

Threadsafety is usually explicitly mentioned in javadocs. This is not the case for Cipher, so you should not assume it to be threadsafe.


09-22 21:10