


I did not find any tutorials to how to run the webodf i read his apis and source code i am getting how to start it can anybody share the idea.

- WebODF version 0.5.10-8-gf5949f3
-- Found Java: /usr/bin/java (found version "") 
-- external downloads will be stored/expected in: /home/peoplelink/build/downloads
-- Installed Node.js found: /usr/bin/nodejs - 0.10.25
-- good Node.js found: 0.10.25 (0.10.5 required.)
-- npm found: /usr/bin/npm
-- Android was not found: APK will not be built.
JS file dependencies were updated.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:


i got this but i am not getting to webodf.js file in it i am missed out anything.



I am not not sure what you currently have . But This is how you can configure an application using node.js to serve html files and view/edit odf files.


Lets Start with your Node.js Server

  1. 首先在我们的应用程序目录中创建一个index.js文件(命名为任意名称),然后使用 node init 初始化node应用程序.

  1. First Create an index.js file(name it whatever you want)in our application directory,then initialize node application using node init.


We will have following folder structure : -

  • ./文档编辑器
  • ../app(我们的html代码和库)
  • ../index.js
  • ../package.json
  • ../和其他一些自动生成的文件.

包括所有必要的模块.我们将使用Express,Multer和 其他实用程序库.

Include all the modules necessary.We are going to use Express,Multer and other util libraries.

var express = require("express"); 
var multer = require('multer');  //for file handling
var util = require('util');
var app = express();   // init express app

  • 配置要根据用户请求向您的服务器提供服务的路由和HTML文件.

  • Configure Routes and Html files to be served on user request to you server.

     app.use(express.static('app')); // use this as resource  directory
     app.get('/', function (req, res) {
      res.sendFile(__dirname + "/app/index.html");
     // this means when we get a request on 'myAppContext/' url provide   

  • 启动服务器

  • Start the Server

       app.listen(3000, function () {
         console.log("Listening on port 3000");

  • 注意*:开始之前,请确保已在系统上安装了node.js.

    Note* : Make sure you have node.js envoirnment installed on your system before you start.


    Now Lets Look at how we include webodf to our application.

    1. 首先在您的主文件夹(我们将其命名为"app")中创建一个目录,其中所有html,样式和脚本..etc将被存储.

    1. First create a directory in your main folder(we name it 'app'), where all the html,styles and scripts..etc will be stored.

    • /app(我们的html代码和库)
    • ../index.html
    • ../script
      • .. wodotexteditor-0.5.9(文件夹)
      • .. myScript.js
      • /app (our html code and libraries)
      • ../index.html
      • ../script
        • ..wodotexteditor-0.5.9(folder)
        • ..myScript.js

        创建一个index.html文件,并包含webodf和/或编辑器 JavaScript库(包含内部版本中的Webodf ...,因此需要单独下载).

        Create an index.html file and include webodf and/or Editor JavaScript libraries(Contains Webodf included in build... so need to download separately).


        Create a container element and local script necessary to run webodf editor.Make sure to add a odt file to directory for you test or you can use the one which comes with wodo-editor.


        You can refer this link for creating a local webodf editor using wodo-text-editor and complete the above to steps(2 & 3).

        完成上述操作后,我们将进入根目录并运行'node index'命令....就是这样.

        After we have done the above things,we will go into our root directory and run 'node index' command.... and that's it folks.


        Just hit localhost:3000/ and you will see a workable webodf editor.


        I hope this helps to get started with node.js and webodf. I will soon create and full application with open/edit and save features using webodf and node.js.Thanks :)


    09-22 19:01