本文介绍了FlashDevelop中 - 培训教材,教程,图书(的Flex / Flash开发没有弹性生成器)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我要开始的Flash / Flex的/ ActionScript开发和迷路的技术文档和工具。搜索指着我到Adobe的FlexBuilder和Adobe Flash(设计师,CS3,CS4)。

I want to start Flash/Flex/ActionScript development and got lost with the technologies, documentation and tools available. Searches pointed me to Adobe FlexBuilder and Adobe Flash (Designer, CS3, CS4).

然后,我发现FlashDevelop中,了解到的Flex SDK和编译器都是免费的。此外,您还可以在FlashDevelop中一个完整的Flash应用程序(使用FLA虚拟方式)。

Then, I found FlashDevelop, learned that Flex SDK and compilers are free. Also, you can make a complete Flash application in FlashDevelop (using "FLA dummy" method).

问题 - 什么教育训练材料,我应该了解如何使用的FlashDevelop开发Flash应用程序启动?

Question - what traning materials I should start from to understand how to develop Flash applications using FlashDevelop?


I look for training materials, guides, tutorials, screencast, books (amazon kindle) for beginners in Flash using free tools (either FlashDevelop or TextEditor + compiler), but not for beginners in programming (know few languages already).


一个很大的帮助,可以在自己的维基找到 - 的

A lot of help can be found on their wiki - FlashDevelop wiki

在网络上使用的建成,这真的非常简单,因为它的目的是广告的Flex。如果你是一名学生,你可以从Adobe 这里免费许可,如果​​你不是比有一个30天的免费试用。

If you want to start developing in Flex (which might be a really nice idea if you're coming from desktop development) FlashDevelop will work, but I would suggest to use Flex Builder first, as a lot of examples you will find on the web are built using that, and it's really very straight forward, as it's aimed ad Flex. If you're a student you can get a free license from Adobe here, if you're not than there is a 30 day free trial.

这篇关于FlashDevelop中 - 培训教材,教程,图书(的Flex / Flash开发没有弹性生成器)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 18:54