


I am looking at the Honeycomb Gallery sample code (here) and I ran across the following code while trying to add action items in my own app:

<item android:id="@+id/camera"
    android:showAsAction="ifRoom" />

?ATTR 是扔我一个循环。是否有人可以解释一下这个是干什么的?这是如何与一个绘制?我似乎无法找到谷歌什么好消息。也就是有上市或属性的画廊,我们可以使用的图标,而不是仅仅 menuIconCamera

The ?attr is throwing me for a loop. Can someone please explain what this is doing? How is this related to a drawable? I can't seem to find any good information on Google. Also is there a listing or gallery of attributes we can use for icons instead of just menuIconCamera?



I did some more looking around and found that attrs.xml looks like this:

<declare-styleable name="AppTheme">
    <attr name="listDragShadowBackground" format="reference" />
    <attr name="menuIconCamera" format="reference" />
    <attr name="menuIconToggle" format="reference" />
    <attr name="menuIconShare" format="reference" />


Unfortunately that just makes it even more confusing for me. What is this doing?


?ATTR / menuIconCamera 值表示从图标 menuIconCamera 当前主题的属性将被使用。

The ?attr/menuIconCamera value means that an icon from menuIconCamera attribute of the current theme will be used.

必须有指定给 menuIconCamera A绘制属性在的themes.xml 文件的地方。如果是两个主题与此属性不同的值,则实际的图标,将取决于目前正在使用的一个主题。

There must be a drawable assigned to the menuIconCamera attribute somewhere in the themes.xml file. If there're two themes with different values of this attribute then actual icon will depend on a theme which is currently used.

attrs.xml 文件用于定义自定义属性。如果没有这个定义编译器会把未知属性为错误。

The attrs.xml file is used to define custom attributes. Without this definition compiler will treat unknown attributes as erroneous.
