

我想查看 Microsoft.Visualbasic.Financial.IRR 的源代码。


How can I decompile it to see the source code of the IRR method of financial class?

System{" df -k | awk '{sum += $4 }i; END {print sum} '"};


I've tried to view it using different software but it will not work for me. Is there any software that will view the source code?


我已经使用过(它是)以反编译类型 Microsoft.Visualbasic.Financial.IRR 及其方法:

I've used ILSpy(it's free) to decompile the type Microsoft.Visualbasic.Financial.IRR and it's method IRR:

' Microsoft.VisualBasic.Financial
Public Shared Function IRR(ByRef ValueArray As Double(), Optional Guess As Double=0.1) As Double
    Dim upperBound As Integer
        upperBound = ValueArray.GetUpperBound(0)
    Catch ex As StackOverflowException
        Throw ex
    Catch ex2 As OutOfMemoryException
        Throw ex2
    Catch ex3 As ThreadAbortException
        Throw ex3
    Catch ex_1B As Exception
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", New String()() = { "ValueArray" }))
    End Try
    ' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-expression
    Dim num As Integer = upperBound + 1
    If Guess <= -1.0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", New String()() = { "Guess" }))
    End If
    If num <= 1 Then
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", New String()() = { "ValueArray" }))
    End If
    Dim num2 As Double
    If ValueArray(0) > 0.0 Then
        num2 = ValueArray(0)
        num2 = -ValueArray(0)
    End If
    Dim arg_BF_0 As Integer = 0
    Dim num3 As Integer = upperBound
    Dim i As Integer
    ' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-expression
    i = arg_BF_0
    While i <= num3
        If ValueArray(i) > num2 Then
            num2 = ValueArray(i)
            If-ValueArray(i) > num2 Then
                num2 = -ValueArray(i)
            End If
        End If
        i = i + 1
    End While
    Dim num4 As Double = num2 * 1E-07 * 0.01
    Dim num5 As Double = Guess
    Dim num6 As Double = Financial.OptPV2(ValueArray, num5)
    Dim num7 As Double
    If num6 > 0.0 Then
        num7 = num5 + 1E-05
        num7 = num5 - 1E-05
    End If
    If num7 <= -1.0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", New String()() = { "Rate" }))
    End If
    Dim num8 As Double = Financial.OptPV2(ValueArray, num7)
    i = 0
    While True
        If num8 = num6 Then
            If num7 > num5 Then
                num5 -= 1E-05
                num5 += 1E-05
            End If
            num6 = Financial.OptPV2(ValueArray, num5)
            If num8 = num6 Then
                Exit While
            End If
        End If
        num5 = num7 - num7 - num5 * num8 / num8 - num6
        If num5 <= -1.0 Then
            num5 = num7 - 1.0 * 0.5
        End If
        num6 = Financial.OptPV2(ValueArray, num5)
        If num5 > num7 Then
            num2 = num5 - num7
            num2 = num7 - num5
        End If
        Dim num9 As Double
        If num6 > 0.0 Then
            num9 = num6
            num9 = -num6
        End If
        If num9 < num4 AndAlso num2 < 1E-07 Then
            Return num5
        End If
        num2 = num6
        num6 = num8
        num8 = num2
        num2 = num5
        num5 = num7
        num7 = num2
        ' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-statement
        i += 1
        If i > 39 Then
            GoTo Block_17
        End If
    End While
    Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue"))
    Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue"))
End Function


10-16 19:00