


Is it possible to do something like the following to modify the navigation toolbar in matplotlib?

  1. 生成一个图形窗口,其中包含:fig = figure()
  2. 使用以下内容获取导航工具栏的参考:tbar = fig.get_navigation_toolbar(),或更好,只是通过:tbar = fig.navtbar
  3. 通过参考tbar修改工具栏,例如使用以下内容删除/添加/编辑按钮:
       tbar.add_button(<a Button object>);
       tbar.remove_button(a reference to a button);
       tbar.edit_button(a reference to a button);
  4. 通过以下方式更新图形:fig.canvas.draw()
  1. Generate a figure window, with: fig = figure()
  2. Get a reference of the navigation tool-bar, with: tbar = fig.get_navigation_toolbar(),or better yet, just by: tbar = fig.navtbar
  3. Modify the tool-bar through the reference tbar, such as delete/add/edit a button with something like this:
       tbar.add_button(<a Button object>);
       tbar.remove_button(a reference to a button);
       tbar.edit_button(a reference to a button);
  4. Update the figure with: fig.canvas.draw()




The way I found to remove unwanted toolbar items is making a subclass, which is instantiated and used in a GTK application. As I manually create Figure, FigureCanvas and NavigationToolbar objects anyway, this was the easiest way.

class NavigationToolbar(NavigationToolbar2GTKAgg):
    # only display the buttons we need
    toolitems = [t for t in NavigationToolbar2GTKAgg.toolitems if
                 t[0] in ('Home', 'Pan', 'Zoom', 'Save')]


If you want to create custom buttons, you should take a look on the definition of NavigationToolbar2 in backend_bases. You can easily add your own entries to the toolitems list and define appropriate callback functions in your toolbar subclass.


09-21 20:49