

我希望这些字段为"Reg Hrs.之和","Reg OT Hrs.的总和",...,"SNWH NSD Hrs.的总和".

I was expecting the fields to be "Sum of Reg Hrs.", "Sum of Reg OT Hrs.", ... , "Sum of SNWH NSD Hrs."

但是我得到的是MsgBox pf显示值"

But what I got was MsgBox pf shows "Values"

Msgbox pi显示"Reg Hrs.之和","Reg OT Hrs.之和",...,"SNWH NSD Hrs的总和".

Msgbox pi shows "Sum of Reg Hrs.", "Sum of Reg OT Hrs.", ... , "Sum of SNWH NSD Hrs."


But ideally, I want pi to be the items of each column. Is there another method to do so?

Sub test()

Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem

Set pt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("N-MR Hours Summary").PivotTables("N-MR Hours Summary")

For Each pf In pt.ColumnFields
    MsgBox pf
    For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
        MsgBox pi
    Next pi
Next pf

End Sub()


Also, it should only include, the active cells (non filtered cells), but I realized even the filtered cells are iterated about.



A pivot table has a PivotRowAxis (vertical) and a PivotColumnAxis (horizontal).
They each consist of one or more PivotLines.
Following screenshot explains both axis and their PivotLines with PivotLineCells.


In your example, each PivotColumnAxis.PivotLine only has 1 PivotLineCell.
The PivotLine.PivotLineType can be used to identify rows or columns with regular values, sub totals, grand total or completely blank lines:


As your columns only consist of DataFields (no dedicated ColumnFields), you can loop over PivotColumnAxis.PivotLine(i).PivotLineCells(1).PivotField to get the vertical DataRange of each column:


Private Sub ColumnByColumn()
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim pl As PivotLine
    Dim pf As PivotField
    Dim c As Range

    Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    For Each pl In pt.PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines
        If pl.LineType = xlPivotLineRegular Then
            Set pf = pl.PivotLineCells(1).PivotField
            If pf.Orientation = xlDataField Then
                Debug.Print pf.Caption,
                For Each c In pf.DataRange.Cells
                    Debug.Print c.Value,
                Next c
            End If
        End If
    Next pl
End Sub


Further hints:


Your pivottable only contains DataFields (no explicit ColumnFields), therefore the pivotfield's name is returned as "Values".

不幸的是,遍历所有 visible 枢轴项绝非易事,因为遍历所有 visible 枢轴项也将返回不可见(已过滤)的项.甚至PivotField.VisibleItems.Count总是返回与PivotField.PivotItems.Count相同的值.

Unfortunately it's never simple to loop over all visible pivotitems, as a simple loop over all of them also returns the invisible (filtered) items. Even PivotField.VisibleItems.Count always returns the same value as PivotField.PivotItems.Count.


PivotLine.LineType is in your case always xlPivotLineRegular (It could also be xlPivotLineBlank, xlPivotLineSubtotal or xlPivotLineGrandTotal if you would have blank columns, subtotal columns or grand total columns).


09-21 16:58