本文介绍了根据条件在 pandas 中定位行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



So this is a common question but I cant find an answer that fits this particular scenario.

因此,我有一个 Dataframe ,其中包含用于类型的列,例如"Drama,Western",以及一种热门编码的流派,因此对于戏剧和西方流派,在这两列中均 1 ,但对于该列,其西方流派仅为其 1 0用于戏剧.

So I have a Dataframe with columns for genres eg "Drama, Western" and one hot encoded versions of the genres so for the drama and western there is a 1 in both columns but where its just Western genre its 1 for that column 0 for drama.


I want a filtered dataframe containing rows with only Western and no other genre. Im trying to oversample for a model as it is a minor class but I don't want to increase other genre counts as a byproduct

有多行,所以我不能使用索引,并且有多种类型,所以我不能使用类似 df [(df ['Western'] == 1)&的条件.(df ['Drama'] == 0),而无需考虑 24 流派.

There are multiple rows so I can't use the index and there are multiple genres so I can't use a condition like df[(df['Western']==1) & (df['Drama']==0) without having to account for 24 genres.

Index | Genre           |  Drama | Western | Action | genre 4 |
   0    Drama, Western       1        1         0         0
   1    Western              0        1         0         0
   3    Action, Western      0        1         1         0



If I understand your question correctly, you want those rows where only 'Western' is 1, i.e. the genre is only Western, nothing else.


Why do you have to use the encoded columns then? Just use the original 'Genre' column where the data is in string format. No need to overcomplicate things.

new_df = df[df['Genre']=='Western']

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09-21 06:24