


ID Vendor_Name Asset_Type

37 Futuresoft主板

37 Futuresoft SMPS

38 Future India HDD

38 Future India操纵杆

38 Future India笔记本电脑屏幕

39 Tech_M Baterry

39 Tech_M笔记本电脑屏幕

39 Tech_M鼠标

46 dgd电池

46 dgd RAM

46 dgd操纵杆

46 dgd鼠标

46 dgd处理器


48 ryy电池

48 ryy硬盘

48 ryy摇杆


Hi Everyone. I have a database Vendor as follows. I have a text box that contains comma separated string like SMPS,MotherBoard,. I have to select the vendor name that contains both SMPS and Motherboard. I have written the query for it. but my code selects those vendors that contains SMPS or Motherboard. My issue how to select Vendor name that contains both SMPS and Motherboard.
ID Vendor_Name Asset_Type
37 Futuresoft Motherboard
37 Futuresoft SMPS
38 Future India HDD
38 Future India joystick
38 Future India Laptop Screen
39 Tech_M Baterry
39 Tech_M Laptop Screen
39 Tech_M Mouse
46 dgd Battery
46 dgd RAM
46 dgd joystick
46 dgd Mouse
46 dgd Processor
47 Religare HDD
48 ryy Battery
48 ryy HDD
48 ryy joystick

My code is as follows

public void bindddl()
 DataTable objDt = new DataTable();

     string serial = TextBox8.Text;
     string[] s= serial.Split(',');
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            string s1 = s[i].ToString();
           // string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT Vendor_Name FROM [Vendor] WHERE Asset_Type like '%" + s[i].ToString() + "%'";
            string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT Vendor_Name FROM [Vendor] WHERE Asset_Type = '" + s[i].ToString() +"'";
            SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(qry, con);

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        objDt = objDt.DefaultView.ToTable(true,"Vendor_Name");
        DropDownList4.DataTextField = "Vendor_Name";
        DropDownList4.DataValueField = "Vendor_Name";
        DropDownList4.DataSource = objDt;


string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT Vendor_Name FROM [Vendor] WHERE Asset_Type = '" + s[i].ToString() +"'" OR vendor name = '" + s[i].ToString() +"'"

Future India

所以如果我想让销售'joystick's AND'RAM'的供应商那么以下查询将返回JUST dgd ...我认为你就是这样...

so if I want to get the vendor who sells 'joystick's AND 'RAM' then the following query will return JUST dgd ... which I think is what you are after

SELECT * from vendor
WHERE Asset_Type = 'joystick'
AND Vendor_Name in (
    SELECT Vendor_Name from vendor
    WHERE Asset_Type = 'RAM')

string serial = TextBox8.Text;
string[] s= serial.Split(',');
dim a as string = s[0].tostring
dim b as string = s[1].tostring

string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT Vendor_Name FROM [Vendor] WHERE Asset_Type in( '" + a +"','" + b +"')";
SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(qry, con);


09-21 04:56